
Learning Finnish ?

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okay so i have 2 months to basically learn some finish. because in November i have to go on a trip to Helsinki Finland. i live in london but when i go to finland i would at least want to know the basics of finnish at least enough to say stuff like were's the restroom or what time is it. does anybody have any information on what i could do do learn like online lesson or something i don't really think i would be able to pay for some lessons so any help would be greatly appreciated




  1. First of all, almost everybody here in Finland speaks English quite fluently, so it is not necessary to learn any Finnish! However, if you would like to learn some of the basic things, here are some websites for you to check out:

    Welcome to Finland!

  2. Some extremely cool dude has take a whole bunch of public-domain language learning resources from the Foreign Service of America's State Department (equivalent to your FCO, if that's not obvious) and put them online for free.  Here's the Finnish page:

    These are available because by US law, the US government is ineligible to hold copyright.  So any government publication that isn't classified can be reproduced, reprinted, or modified and distributed, either freely or for profit.

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