
Learning Issues Question?

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Learning Issues Questions?

I think I have learning issues. It is hard for me to pay attention in class and to like focus on one thing. I am in high school, and have been working with some teachers to work on this. I want to email my teachers and let them know, but I dont know what to say since I technically dont have an IEP or anything like that. Any suggestions?




  1. I think that most teachers would not mind or at all think differently of you if you let them know that you have some learning concerns that you are working on. However, you are correct in that if you don't have a documented issue or IEP, there really isn't much they are required or may even be able to do in order to accommodate you?

    You may even want to wait until you've had a chance to let your teachers "see" your good work and effort, and then let them in on your personal concerns? That way, they won't think you're looking for some kind of special treatment in advance?

    Good luck, and it sounds as though you'll do what it takes to be successful!

  2. Oh my goodness, I wish ALL my students were like you!  I love that you understand your strengths and weaknesses as a student and are willing to find ways to correct them!

    It sounds like maybe you have a slight case of attention-deficit disorder.  Are you a doodler?  If you're not, try it.  Keeping your hands occupied during a lecture can help you concentrate on the speaker.  (Sounds counterintuitive, but it really works - I'm proof!)  Also, are you allowed to have electronic devices at school?  If you are, consider tape recording your teachers' lectures.  (Of course, you should ask permission first.)  

    And it doesn't matter that you don't have an IEP.  You teachers are obligated to teach to all learning styles in their classroom.

  3. Discuss your issue with a  special education  teacher at your high school

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