
Learning activity benefits for a child?

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i have made a toy for a child in which they have to match the words to the picture what would you say the learning benefits to this are? please help




  1. The benefits would be word recognition.

  2. That is a common learning strategy for young children, and there are many games and activities that use that approach.  The best ones incorporate a voice that says the word with the printed word, and sometimes with a voice that spells the word.  The new "laptop" sort of toys have many games like that, so the activity is certainly good.  It can help with word recognition and spelling.  Your biggest challenge will probably be marketing if it is something you want to sell.

  3. what age are you trying to gear it towards?

    some ways to expand on it...have the word and picture on one cars (with color and maybe a number) and then have an object to match the picture ...and put the number on that it can be a number or alphabet tool....make sure it is self corrective that the children don't become frustrated...

  4. i would say its not very original

  5. Literacy - they're putting a name with a face, so to speak. They're learning that print carries meaning. They're working on letters (Bear begins with B), phonemes (Bear and Bunny are both /b/ sounds), vocabulary (different animals, possibly unique animals), and reading.

    Cognition - they're using their memory as they assign meaning to the letters, sounds, and words. If it's one of those concentration-esque games where they have to flip the cards, they are working to remember where each animal/word is.

    Science - they may be learning about new types of animals, ones they don't often come into contact with. You might also be able to talk about babies vs. adults in the animal kingdom (dog-puppy, cat-kitten, bear-cub, etc.).

    Math - they can count the pairs and count the individual items to be matched and then compare the numbers. They could make patterns with the cards (picture, word, picture, word).

    Social/Emotional - they are learning to take turns, to win and lose gracefully, to support their friends. They are spending time with others and interacting, which will always improve social skills.

    There are a variety of ways simple games can benefit kids. You just have to be creative and be involved!

  6. They are developing their language skills. the child would be learning through repetition this is how children learn doing something over and over again. If it's fun the child will learn better especially if its words related to something he is interested in. Hand and eye coordination would also be developed. Social skills if another person is teaching the game and other children involved. Children need more of these games where they have to interact with someone else and have to turn take this is all a part of growing up which small children are missing out. Good Luck.

  7. Children love to watch words being formed and you will notice your child trying to copy you, not to mention the bonding it will create. Anything that involves a parent having 121 time with their child is beneficial - especially when it excludes the tv! Good on you, hope you gave yourself a pat on the back.

  8. If it means you are spending time with our child then it is a plus point although there are several variations of this concept already available so if you are looking to market it then you may not do very well but if it is just for you and your family then well done for trying to enrich your child's life.

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