
Learning guitar?

by  |  earlier

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i want to learn how to play the guitar. i have an acoustic and ive tuned it all up

but i have no money to pay for lessons. so i need to teach myself

does anyone have any ideas of how i should go about doing this.

i could just about afford a book if anyone knows any good ones

and realistially ow long would it take me to start making progress, would i be able to manage some good progress in 4 months if i did around an hours work a day

i would stick to that as i am a very determined person once i set my mind to something

i would love to hear some ideas, and any experiences people have had teaching themselves to play

thankyou xx




  1. When i first got my guitar..i just started to mess with the notes..

    then after a while i memorized what string was wich and i could go to anyfret without looking at it in aorund my 6th day playing.

    And Try to tune it by ear. So when you really start playing you know how to tune by ear and you dont need to have the little electric tunners.

    But just try to get used to the Strings first. And you can google some stuff like

    Guitar Hand Excercises yo get you to learn the chords and stuff. Also they can help you pick up speed.

  2. get a book with a cd , and get an electric tuner. the tuner will save you hours of practice time as your acoustic will go out of tune with the every day. practice practice, once you can change between a few chords, and your fingers get stronger, you can get millions of songs off the net. most have the chords, so you don't need to learn to read music at first. if you did an hour a day, in 4 months you should be playing some songs. i took about 2 months to play something someone else could recognise. and i;m sounded awful for about 1month 3 weeks and 6 days. so stick at it and it happens overnight. one day u can just play that song. practice is the key. anybody can do it if they try.

  3. A handy little book that I purchased was "Absolute Beginners Guitar" by Wise Publications. I got it from Waterstones.

  4. i taught myself by looking on tabs for my favorite songs on

    and learning chords from chord charts

    also go on and look up guitar lessons for songs it's where people help you through by showing you how to play a song, it also helps if you have the tablature with you (way to write guitar music without reading from a musical staff)

    later, i learned the notes on the fretboard

    this all helped me a lot when i first started playing guitar 2 years ago

    i think i play pretty well now

    no one believes me when i say i've never taken lessons

    good luck!

  5. Check your local library for songbooks with songs you know and also a chord book that will show you where to put your fingers.  Hopefully your library will have these and it will cost you nothing.

    Then you can start the process of learning to strum along with songs you know.  This is the best way to get started.  If it was good enough for The's good enough for us eh?

    I started on Beatle songs nearly 40 years ago.  It's been 40 years of pleasure.  Just keep going and aim for the sound that is in your head.

  6. check out free online lessons like youtube

    and First  Act has many books for beginners you can get it at Target/ Walmart/ Toys R Us for about $15.00 they have beginner books for about every musical instrument. or you can go to their website
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