
Learning how to drive tomorrow?

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Ok, I'm 15 and I just got my permit today. I'm going to learn how to drive for the first time ever tomorrow. I'm nervous, even though it's in a parking lot and nobody will be there, I'm still scared I'll hit a lightpole or something. Anyways, does anyone have any tips? And is it hard? My parents said it's hard, but a lot of my friends said it isn't.




  1. It's not too hard.  Just remember it's something you have to be really careful with, other than that it's a good time and a sense of independence that you could finally get yourself around without depending on others.  As far as tips go...until you get the hang of it don't turn on the radio or talk on the phone please.  =)  You only need to use your right foot to switch between gas and break (assuming it's automatic).  Use your rear view mirrors, there's a reason they're there.  ALWAYS wear your seat belt, I never let anyone in my car unless they wear a seat belt (they're life will be in your hands).  Take note of your blind spots - everyone has them.  Oh! and RELAX!  It's not hard at all.  It's like anything else in life, the more you practice the better you'll get.

    Good Luck!!

  2. You are wise to begin in a parking lot. It takes a while before you feel comfortable behind the wheel. The fact that you are nervous means you want to do well and that's good. Driving requires your complete attention. The key is to relax as much as possible while paying attention to the task at hand. Good luck and won't learn how to drive in one lesson. It will take time.

  3. not hard at all.

    as long as its an automatic.

    Driving is fun(:

    have fun!

  4. It's not to difficult, it will seem scary the first time but in reality common sense make it very hard to hit anything on your first go.

    All you really need to remember is that it's just like riding a bike, except there's a heap of metal on your right (or left)

  5. It's not very hard, but there is alot you need to pay attention to. Wear your seatbelt and relax! (but not too much)  :) Don't go onto any major roads until you feel comfortable, you'll do fine if you are considerate of other people, and pay attention to what you, and other drivers are doing. Good luck, and try to have fun with it!

  6. It's like a video game, but you only get ONE guy, so don't let him die.

    Relax, pay attention to everything and it should be fine.

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