
Learning how to sail?

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Is there a place to learn all about sailing. The Does and dont's and the basic principles? Maybe a "sailor school?"




  1. Lots of places. Lakeshore boat rentals, college classes... it depends on where you are.


    Definitely the thing to do is to take lessons at a sailing school.

    US Sailing has the most comprehensive array of learn-to-sail courses.  They have standardized instruction techniques, publications, rules, etc.  They also govern yacht racing rules among other things.

    Your best bet to learn the fundamentals of sailing is to take lessons on something fairly small, preferably a dinghy of some sort, or a small keelboat.  The reason is, small boats highlight deficiencies in technique very quickly, especially dinghies.  If you perfect your skills as a small boat sailor, they translate into larger boats.  While large boats have their own requirements and differences in handling, the small boat skills carry to the large boats more than the large boat skills carrying to the small boats.

  3. the Red Cross operates an excellent series of boating and saftey courses.

    My courses at summer camps were all run by the Red Cross.

  4. this website allows you to enter the state you are in and gives you instruction on the laws in your state. it also teaches you everything from boat terminology, boat types, engine systems, registering and numbering, locks, is very extensive. Very good site!!
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