
Learning the piano?

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tomorrow i'm going to start my first piano lesson. I've never had any music lessons so I think it's going to be very challenging for me. what can I do to prepare myself?




  1. HI KB.....  Your first piano lesson!!  Yeah!!!!  You are going to have so much fun.  Only things you can do is be positive,  be willing  to learn,  and be eager to get started.   You can already decide that you are going to commit a time slot every day to practice, because sometimes, especialy in the summer.... other fun stuff gets in the way.   I know you are excited,  but get a good night's sleep so that you are not tired during your first lesson.    Oh... and yes...  find a spiral notebook around your house to take with you for your teacher to write any special instructions or supplies/books you will need for your next lesson.   Best wishes to you.  Learning piano is a GOOD THING!!!        Thanks for reading.

    Piano Teacher in Texas

  2. Hi KB

    I guess KB stands for keyboard. Their is no preparation in taking piano lessons. Sit down, listen to the teacher and play.

    Simple.....!!! Whatever exercise he or she gives you, practice it and always be prepared for your next lesson by making sure you have practiced the previous exercises well.

  3. For your first lessons, the best thing you can do is relax.  Trust your teacher to know what to do at your first lesson.  Don't be afraid to ask questions.  

    Your teacher will let you know what is expected of you.... be prepared to follow through with that.  Find a consistent time to practice every day, and be ready to stick to it.

    Don't go into your first lesson expecting to play something cool and amazing.  You will first have to become familiar with the piano and how it works.  You'll probably experiment with high and low, loud and soft, and finding groups of 2 & 3 black keys quickly.  You may also work on the basic concept of beat and a quarter note.

    Have fun with your lessons!  And remember... the more you practice, the more fun you will have, because you will progress into the more entertaining music more quickly.

  4. there isnt much you can do prepare yourself

    music lessons arent really challenging or anything

    ive taken piano lessons for 7 years

    i really dont mind

    just make sure you know the scale on the piano

    but besides that the piano is one of the easiest instruments to learn out there

  5. Can you read music?

    If not, you could give yourself a quick lesson in determining which note is which, etc, by going to this site... It seems to be pretty good and accurate.

    But other than that, just go and have fun with it!!  It's your first time... You're not expected to know everything! (or anything at all, for that matter!)
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