
Learning to Snowboarding?

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Well i used to skateboard pretty heavily up until about a couple years ago. I have been skiing whenever i go to the mountain, but I am much more interested in board sports. Since I can skateboard well, I was wondering if I am going to need a lesson or am I going to be able to learn on my own? I know their completely different, but I've heard its a little easier learning to snowboard if you already know how to skate.





  1. okay, just let me knock out ur theory of being good at skate means u can rip at snowboarding. cause i am a snowboarder and i skate during the summer, but im not very good at skating but im awesome on snow. i just skate during the summer to keep me in it. but it is true with the balance and weight movements that if uve got good control skating ull probably have good control on a snowboard. but when it comes to tricksits very different

  2. Lessons are usually a waste of time and money.  Don't expect to be able to snowboard cuz you can skate.  You will fall and it will hurt.  Once you learn how to turn, you will be lovin' it.

  3. Lessons are cheap, might as well get one.  I didn't skateboard, and tried to snowboard on my own.  It took 2 hours to figure it out on a bunny hill.  My problem was that I was treating it like a wheeled vehicle that only goes in one direction.  The key to control turned out to be having the board not exactly pointing the way I was going, so the edge plowed the snow.  Kind of like when you see a skateboarder grind on a rail, sideways.

  4. It'll likely be easier for you to understand the balance and turning aspect. However, it might be better if you get the lesson so you know how to stop properly, fall with minimizing damage yourself, and how to use the equipment right.

  5. Snowboarding and skating are completely different.  The only benefits you would get from previous skateboarding experience is leg strength, balance, and some balls.  Turning is completely different, carving nonexistent in skating, to ollie is different, and there is no such thing as catching an edge is skating.  You should study what you should do and what good form is before you go snowboarding.  Then you should be ready for a rude awakening whenever you first go.  It takes most people, even very athletically skilled people, multiple times to break through the learning curve on snowboarding.  You also should probably take lessons no matter what because it will greatly help your form and technique.  Probably not what you wanted to hear... but the truth!  Good luck!

  6. Having balance skills from skateboarding might help you with snowboarding, as will knowing how it feels to travel down the slope from skiing.  Even though snowboarding has elements of both and most board sports it's an entirely different beast.

    I'd strongly recommend taking the lesson so that you can get walked through the basics by someone who is trained to break it down into steps for beginners.

  7. all the board sports are similar to each other so you should do pretty well. but there are some details that need attention so i would look it up online for some precautions

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