
Learning to accept people?

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I am curious if you notice. But America culture and tv promotes making fun of people to make our selves feel good. An example of this is on Dr. Phil they get people up there just to be told by Dr. Phil afront of everyone how to change. The only reason people watch is to be able to say hey im better than them and feel good about themselves. I see this stuff all over the media.

Do you think this is why so many people get bully at school because the media teaches us to make fun of people?

It seems America culture is all about divide and conquer.




  1. I think people put others down to feel better about themselves when they are insecure about themselves.

    The media portrays things in this way as the media thrives/survives on selling products ~ Specifically trying to make people buy products they don't really need ~ A very inciteful way to do this, is to create a certain insecure society (through many aspects of the media, Dr. Phil, being just one example) to make people feel they are not good enough if they don't possess a certain product/behave in a certain way...(Watch any adverts on TV and you will see what I mean) Therefore creating insecurities in people...The keeping up with the Jonses' mentality kicks in.

    The TV comes with a built in on/off switch....If you don't want to buy into this mentality, you're not forced to ~ we have the choice to watch/not watch TV programs/read newspaper articles/listen to radio programs as we see fit.

    If you want to make the world a better place, don't make fun of people's shortcomings ~ we're all individuals with our own strengths & weaknesses. Rise above this mentality & treat people with respect. It's not rocket science.

  2. Media plays a great role in just about everything we do. There is a great influential impact when the news or media becomes involved with something or someone. Generally, it creates and idee fiex subconsciously to do wrong or to act out on what we see in our society or on TV.

  3. Hmmm...I disagree with you.  I tend to think the media promotes what sells, regardless whether it is quality material or not.  Based on your statement, what do you think about the evening news?  It broadcasts stupid stuff all the time.  I believe the media promotes what sells (It's all about the $$$$$.).  Everyday "round the way" Americans do not act like that.  Whenever I see stuff like that, I look at it as a form of entertainment.  Personally, I don't enjoy watching shows such as Jerry Springer, Cheaters, sometimes Dr. Phil.  Somethings needs to be addressed at home, not in front of millions.  Do keep in mind, his show is educational to a certain extent, depending on how you view it.  So, as I said earlier, I believe it's all about the $$$$.

  4. Well I don't think that the daily shows on tv are intentionally setting people up to become "bullies". I do believe that some people who watch the shows do get a sense of feeling that perhaps there really ARE people out there whose life situations are worse than their own.

    I think that bullies are made because of being subjected to violence.  They copy what they see, as they think this will give them an advantage over people, especially since the bully probably has a low self esteem and low self worth.  He sees bullying as his way of exerting power and control over things in which he otherwise would not be able to compete with, socially or academically.

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