
Learning to do a back hand spring by yourself?

by  |  earlier

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i have a trampoline at my house i want to know how to do a backhand spring easy and try not to injure myself. I NEED TIPS!




  1. honestly.. i would sign up for class... sorry but as a coach i have seen so many kids come through the gym who

    1) have been taught professionally at another gym and think they can do it by them selves and end up hurting themselves without a spot

    2) learn the basic from someone who is not a coach and develop bad habits form, which leads to other problems

    3) aren't ready to do the trick without a spot

    just keep safe by going to class, please

  2. What does this have to do with volleyball????!!!

  3. U do know that this is the volleyball section right?

  4. There's a lot to it... But like the other guy said... Why's this in Volleyball? :)


    Teach yourself how to do a backbend- kickover first!! You definately need to make sure that your back muscles are prepared for the strain.

    Remember... ALWAYS! Keep your chin down.  

    Pushing off:

    Swing your arms down then forward as you bend your knees as you begin to lean backwards. If you were to stop the trick at this point, you should be falling backwards.

    Swing your arms above your head as you extend off the floor with a strong push from your legs and feet.

    Let your legs drive you upward and backward. Point your toes and extend through your ankles. Make sure you keep your head back between your arms while you start to reach for the floor. Start to look for a landing spot on the mat.

    Keep your body arched as your hands touch the floor or the mat, with your legs and lower body still following. Keep your hands either straight forward or turned in slightly. Spread your fingers a little, keep your feet together, and don't let your knees bend!

    Swing your legs and feet over and snap them down firmly toward the floor. Keep your upper body straight. Do not lock your knees at this point or you will damage them.

    Land with your legs slightly bent and swing your arms out straight in front of you.


    Make sure your hands are by your ears.

    Make sure you squeeze your body so that way you're in control

    Keep your arms locked straight to prevent falling on your head.

    When first learning, you can practice landing on your stomach on a mat first, instead of swinging your feet back to land upright. You can also try practicing by placing a pillow or a mattress behind you until you are ready, or practice your backwards bridges until you get comfortable trying the back handspring.

    A good back handspring should cover a distance of about 6 - 8 feet (depending on your height). If you are landing near where you started, you are not leaning back far enough.

    Squeeze your feet together. It helps you stay tight, and makes it look much neater. Plus, It's the correct way to do a backhand spring.

    If you're tall it will be especially hard to keep your legs straight, so watch out for that. Also keep them squeezed together.

    Push off the ground with your shoulders, not your elbows.

    Put your hands close to your head and keep your body tight with your legs straight.

    It takes some time and patience but you'll get the hang of it.

  5. ok i had some trouble too learning if you could pretend that someone is spoting you, also bend your body until you hands hit the ground then let your legs go with it! But if you could you should start out with someone spotting you.

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