
Learning to play the guitar.?

by  |  earlier

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I am 13 and want to learn to play the guitar.

Where do I start?

I don't want an electric one and I will be teaching myself.

Where is the best place to get one for beginners (in England) and how much roughly do you think I will have to spend?




  1. just try it yourself.

  2. trust me get lessons or you'll give up if you find it difficult, its so worthwhile and you'll get so much enjoyment from it so dont give up

  3. Get a starter, so you can make sure it is something you want to spend your time on. Try a Yamaha around $100 US.

    I dont know in England.

  4.,, $150.00

  5. I don't know where you want to start cuz i am on the same page as you.  13, wanting to play guitar.  Also im getting an acoustic too.  My plan is to get a guitar off of ebay...preferably under 70...(i know it sounds "cheap") and then learn to play.  If I like it great, ill prolly get another guitar in a coupla years if i become serious, and if i don't then at least i didn't spend to much money on it!

  6. hey kerbi...... back in the dark ages when i was a lad....... someone gave me a guitar..... so i went for lessons...... only to be told i could not be taught as i was left handed....... not true.... so forget about a tutor at this stage........ try to borrow.... if not buy second hand but there is a risk the guitar might not be set up properly......... so buying new from a reputable shop is the best way...... you can always take it back!....... around 80-100 quids will get you sorted...... a lot of money for a 13 year old....... xmas is just around the corner......... on teaching yourself.... a chord chart book or a book of hits will show diagrams of chords you will need to know to be able to play...... stick to tunes you know in your head first....  good luck.......

  7. Well if you're not getting an electric, you won't need an amp which will keep your cost down. You could probably get a really cheap acoustic guitar starting at around $100, so about 50 pounds. But if you think you're really gonna get serious with it, I suggest spending $300-400, or about 150-200 pounds. You should start learning chords and scales, and develop you're own style from there. I suggest getting the book "Chord Chemistry" by Ted Greene. Greatest chord and scale book of all time, hands down. As for where to buy, i live in Toronto, Canada, so I don't know where to go in England. Try the local music shop.

  8. try learning it by yourself. that's what i did. i looked for a chord chart and studied how to play chords then i started playing the easiest songs on guitar.:)then, practice, practivce, practice

  9. Get a guitar from a music shop or pawn brokers type shop i remember my guitar costing me £20

    and don't self teach you'll soon get bored of playing invest in some lessons or search for some video podcasts on itunes search for ivideo songs and rockstar tutorials ( those two video podcasts are the best especially the one where you get the original song artist showing you how to play their songs if you get the chance try out KT Tunstall's - Suddenly I See KT shows you how to play her song showing you exactly what she plays including varients for beginners

  10. im learning also,i got my guitar as a gift though but you can look in the ad trader papers and find a good one for cheap, i wouldnt surgest spending alot of money, it can become frustrating if you cant undertand how to play, Youtube show great videos on learning easy songs. I got about 5 lessons just to show me the basics on chords now i can play myself, im not any good but ive improved. It will take time to be able to sound good, but its worth it in the end.

    Keep practicing chord changes before you attempt any songs.

    good luck

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