
Learning to playthe Guitar? (help)?

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Hello, I am 15 years old and for about three months i started playing the guitar,with a instructor. On a regular basis i practice about a hour and a half per day (besides the time spent when i go to the private lessons)....i learn to perfect a guitar song very slowly, i mean, playing a song from the begining to the end without any mistakes ...and i find my evolution of playing guitar very slow...i'm afraid that i won't be able to REALLY play the guitar ever....I love music and some of my friends how are really great musicians say that i have very good and diverse musical tastes...i have a natural talent for drawing and a sharp mind and i also have a natural feel for music and other sorts of art ...but i can't play the guitar WELL. this may be because i have never taken real Responsibility of doing something important, on my own ...sadly,that's how i wasraised...if you had the same problem or have some advice, please help me, i REALLY don't want to quit playing the guitar

thx :)




  1. Don't be so hard on yourself and beat yourself up for not being really good at guitar. It takes more than 3 months, I'll tell you that. You're still a beginner. Don't try to rush things.

    You're on the right track to getting to where you want to be: taking lessons and practicing everday. Keep it up and you'll be playing solos in a good year or two. :-)

    No one said you had to quit playing guitar. You really want to learn and get good? Stick with it and be patient.

  2. You've only been playing 3 months.  Learning an instrument takes a LOT of practice and dedication. You're already practicing 90 minutes a day and taking lessons... that's a GREAT start.  You just need to keep it up; eventually it will all fall into place.

    One practice tip... most people fall back on practicing the stuff that they've already 'mastered'. Force yourself to work on the stuff that gives you trouble.

  3. I recommend a chord chart and learn the basic chords and then the power chords and then learn tabs and then go to and learn some of your favorite songs then start to make your own and then youll get better and better its not as hard as it sounds I've been playing for 8 years and I started different but that is a fast way too and easy for begginers

  4. You should try to find your best points, and write some of your own songs using them. Learn those songs first, as they will be easier. Then write more, a bit harder. Do that until you can play every song. I hope I helped.


    Besides, you have only played 3 months. After about a yearyou should be really good.

  5. You are doing great, STOP BEING SO CRITICAL OF YOURSELF. Practice, practice, practice. The more you try, the better you'll get.

    The best musicians learned just like you are. They played until they got their sound. Keep trying to find guitar chords that are part of the music you like, Remember: YOU ARE HAVING FUN.  You are also learnig something that you will be able to use to keep yourself from being alone,

    Now it is you AND your guitar. I think that at some point you may need a new guitar or some diffent strings or a new way to tune the guitar. Try these sites, as shown below.

    The Best M_A

  6. i first bought a guitar when i was 15 and tried to teach myself for a month, then stopped and now this year as i'm 17 i started teaching myself again and now i can play pretty good, but only by chords and tabs. just keep practicing

  7. Practicing every day is really good.  Keep it up.

    It is unrealistic to think you should be able to play well in only 3 months.  Give it 3 years.  Keep challenging yourself.  If you REALLY want it you will get it.  

    Play with a metronome or with a record.  Ideally you should play with other people.  It's fun and it will make you a better musician.

    For 15 years old you sound like you are being pretty hard on yourself.  Play guitar because you like it not because it's important.

  8. As a slow learner myself, I think I know how you feel.  It's taken me 20 years to become OK- in my opinion- at guitar.  I practice hours/day and only play out occasionally.  But the thing I want to say is that taking the time to learn something really well- whether it is a song or the modes of the maj scale or whatever- is a great approach.  If you just rush through stuff you'll never really get better.  I say feel confident in taking all the time necessary to really "get" what you're working on.  You're also on the right track about thinking through responsibility.  No one can do this work for you.  The sooner you realize and accept responsibility for your playing, the sooner your hard work will begin to really pay off.

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