
Lease-ing a horse question?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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so i've been riding for like 3 years..ima 14 and i am crazy about horses!!! i'm thinking about leaseing a horse in my barn, but my barn is like 45min. away from my u think it'll still be okay for me to lease even tho i live so far away...and if anyone knows the responsibilities of leasing a horse can u plz tell me...thanks =D




  1. Just in case you don't know this, you cannot legally sign a lease at your age.  Your parents would have to.

    That being said, how often do you ride and how often would you be expected to ride if you leased the horse and left him at the stables where he is right now?  You should consider that.  If you can only ride 1-2 times a week, I don't think I'd lease a horse.  If you can ride every day or at least 5 times a week, I'd look into it.

    The responsibilities will depend upon the lease.  Some leases require the person who leases the horse to pay ALL the bills (vet, farrier, feed, emergencies, hay, vaccinations, etc.) while others do not or may only require you to pay for farrier and feed.

    Is there some place nearer to you where you could board the horse and ride it much more often?  Of course, this would make it more expensive because you would have board bills to pay on top of the lease.

    I hope this helps somewhat.  You should be able to make more of a commitment than 1-3 times a week to ride the horse, though.  And horses need a lot of attention as I'm sure you know!

  2. Wow that is kinda far away it would be reallt hard to go out there everyday or even every other day

    i suggust trying to find a closer barn mine is only 15 minutes away from my house

  3. I would look at the past and how much you have been to the barn in a week.  If its 3 or more days pretty regularly, then I would say go for it.  If not, then I would seriously think about it.  You don't want to be wasting your money and/or your parents money on something that you aren't going to be able to commit to.

    At my barn to lease a horse you pay half the board and you must be there for all farrier and vet visits but you do not have to pay for them.  You get to ride the horse as 3-4 times a week and one of those rides has to be a lesson.

    Good Luck!!

  4. at my barn to lease a horse you have to pay half of the board (at my barn it is $242.50), half the vet and farrier fees.  However we get to free ride the horse three days a week including lessons.  It is somewhat expensive but if you can afford it, it is definitely worth it.  

    If transportation for you to get to and from the barn is not a problem then i would say go for it.  

  5. hey!

    OMG me too same thing i want to lease Red my fav horse but iI'mreally far away and i ddon'tknow how much it costs...I would really like to read all the answers the others gave you

    hope you lease your fav horse

    Tena ♥

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