My mom has a lease on an 06 Ford Fusion. The car is currently at 35,900 of an allotted 36,000 miles. She got a new job and is putting and has been putting 1,000 a month on the car, more than when she began the lease. She will be about 4000 over in January when the lease is up. Right now they are quoting bad prices on new leases, as they are rolling her current overage after pro-rating plus the two payments they won't pay for. It appears it will be cheaper to ride it out as right now about 750 dollars will be rolled into her new lease, and if she waited it would be more like 600 in overage, and she's not paying for 2 months she won't be driving it. My question is, is it possible to finance the overage money if she leaves Ford? How can she leave Ford and go somewhere else if she owes 600 dollars and can't pay it all at once?