
Leasing an apartment for someone else.?

by Guest45421  |  earlier

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Ok here it goes, my dad is going to lease an apartment for me , my brother and his wife, but he isn't going to live there. Can he do this? The reason is that my brother broke a lease in the past and the requirements are that he needs to make 3 times the rent which he doesn't. My dad understands the risks if any problems arise. Are we required to sign the lease? If so will my brothers past problems affect much the leasing to my dad, by the way my dad has pretty good credit?




  1. Good luck with that.

    Most landlords would not accept the set up that you as you present it.

    Here is why:

    Generally landlords require all adults that will be living in the rental fill out applications, meet their income/credit criteria, be approved and be listed on the lease.

    So you, your brother and his wife would all have to fill out applications, be approved and be listed a tenants on the lease.

    If one applicant does not meet their criteria, a smart landlord would deny all joint applicants the rental.

    Your father would not be living in the rental, so he would not be listed as a tenant. A tenant lives in the premises.

  2. Depends. Some slum-lords could care less.  All persons over the age of 18 are on my lease. And if a person was to try and by-pass that (having un-authorized occupants) they would be in violation of the lease. Your Dad is really risking alot....

  3. Check the rules of the landlord and the lease.

    For me, ALL adult residents must have a criminal/credit check and must sign the lease. So your trick won't work with a guy like me.

    Many leases forbid sublets so your trick won't work with them.

    I say just be up-front, offering dad as a co-signer.

  4. Oh, this is fraught with risk.  Sure glad I am not your dad.

    Is it going to work out for the three of you to live together?  Who is going to pay the shortfall on the rent if things get tight?

    Many leases require all occupants to be listed.  Be sure you are not in violation.

  5. This can work.  As a Dad, he can rent the apartment for his kids and a wife.  He should be clear about who is living there.  You are not required to sign the lease  (altho apartment complexes are privately owned and can have any rules they want). If your brother is not on the lease, they won't check his credit. If he is on the lease, it is still ok because Dad is guaranteeing the rent will be paid./

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