
Leasing vs. Buying a car?

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I am wanting to lower my monthly car payment. I like change, so I don't like to keep a car for any longer than 5 years, max. What are the advantages and disadvantages of leasing versus buying a car? And what about costs of leasing vs. buying?




  1. u can search and find out the price of car from the google website, below i have wrote a link of google website search that will help u.

  2. A least vehicle that is leased for a 48 month period of time will end up making an extra 40%. A new vehicle that sells for $35,000 and is leased for 48 months will make the dealer by the end of the plan about $49,000, there are many pit falls that they don't want to to know very much about. You are renting this vehicle? Well really? if it is rented then who is paying for the maintanice? You are. What do you have at the end of 5 years with a lease vehicle? answer is Nothing. The very reason that it works so well for the dealer is because people aren't thinking about the cost of the vehicle but that they can drive it and feel like it is their own but it isn't theirs. If you hurt the vehicle during the time that you have had it they are going to charge you for that. I am sure that some one will say that that is why you have insurance, yep! it is but as soon as that vehicle is repaired it will be turned in and show as a vehicle that has been in an accident. even is you had a few scratches on  it  and decided to have it spot painted that will reduce it's value and they will charge you for that.

    I would tell my kids to buy the car and not to least it. Even though the payment might be a little bit higher but it will pay off in the long run.

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