
Least expensive flight from Costa Rica to Panama?

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I'd like to find the least expensive way to fly from San Jose Costa Rica to Panama City Panama. The big airlines are all in the $300 range for R/T. Is the a regional carrier that goes for less.




  1. Have you tried Taca or Copa? Those are supposed to be quite cheap, especially in a route like Costa Rica - Panama.

  2. It may be a little cheaper to fly into Albrook regional.  I haven't made the flight into Costa Rica from here (Panama City) but I did fly to David, Panama which is near the border.  For me and my daughter round trip was less than $300.

    We fly AeroPerla they have a website they do speak English Tel: (507) 315 - 7500

  3. You can check for specials on this link

    Good luck!

    <a href=" target="_blank" onmouseover="window.status='http://www.t... true;" onmouseout="window.status=' ';return true;">

    <img src=" width="88" height="31" alt="Lowest fares... TACA.COM" border="0"/></a>

  4. You have 2 options.

    The least complicated is to fly via Air Panama (  It should be at least 50 dollars cheaper than Copa or Taca.  They don't have a daily flight, so you have to check their schedule at their page.

    The other way you can do it is by flying Nature Air to Bocas del Toro, and from there fly to Panama City using Aeroperlas or Air Panama.  The flight round trip from Bocas to Panama City and back is aprox. 145 dollars.  Don't know how much is Nature Air charging for the trip from San José to Bocas.

    That's it.  Good luck!

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