
Leather and a hybrid don't get along?

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This is not a question. I'm just letting all you greenies out there to know that leather is very bad for the environment. Cattle as you may know emit methane, which is like over 20 times more toxic than carbon dioxide. Millions of tons of grain are fed to cattle. Pesticides are constantly sprayed on crops to feed the cows. And transport trucks for transporting the food and the cows themselves to slaughterhouses are big polluters. Also pesticides are constantly tested on animals (rats, rabbits, dogs, fish, and more) every day. As more animals die, the laboratory people order more animals, which causes pollution. If any of you own a hyrid or any car or piece of clothing in general that is made of leather, please think about the animals and the environment. Fabric is 100% more eco-friendly than leather and billions of gallons of water would be saved if "green" people or people in general switched to buying products other than leather and fur. Thank you.




  1. Methane (natural gas) is what my 2 cars run on instead of gasoline. It only costs  64 cents per gallon here in Utah, and it is much, much better for the environment than gasoline! Plus, one of the cars has leather seats...   :)   Isn't it better to use more of the cow anyway? It's going to be killed and eaten, so you may as well put the skin to use.

  2. i totally see what you mean

    its too bad that some occasions call for leather shoes (dress shoes) etc

    anyway, i do like my cars to have fabric since it gets less hot in the summer haha. hard to clean spills though (eck)

    i always think about buying more green/ecofriendly household cleaners but these are usually sold in very small quantities and are expensive. the plastic used to make small bottles are more eco-unfriendly because we keep having to buy more more often

    i dont use pesticides anyway

  3. Leather is a by product, people using less won't cause fewer cows to be raised and slaughtered.  I don't think there is much natural fibre used in non-leather car seats so it is either use a by-product or oil.

    Your argument is valid for farmed fur though.

  4. Isn't this a question for the religion section?

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