
Leather or lace? Diamonds or pearls? Champagne or vodka?

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ICONNICK: We invented it! And we still use it!




  1. Leather



  2. Lace



  3. lace, diamonds, champagne

  4. Lace,Diamonds and Champagne!

  5. Leather for shoes, diamonds for sparkling and vodka for getting off my ****..

  6. For me that would be lace, diamonds and vodka!!!  And in my younger days walked the walk and talked the talk!!!!!!

    Good question!!!

  7. Lace, diamonds and champagne.  

  8. Definitely leather.  Preferably on a very hunky man.

    Diamonds of course are a girls best friend and remember what they say about pearls 'pearls before swine'  - havent a darned clue what it means but it isnt diamonds are a girls best friend is it!!

    Champagne.  Every time.  Glug glug......bubble bubble..

  9. openess of heart f**k all that materialistic bullshite

  10. polyester..a crucifix..tequila!

  11. lace, diamonds and champagne!

  12. not a fan of leather or lace. Don't like the way they feel. Diamonds and pearls nan. Can't stand looking a pearls and not a big fan of diamonds. Champagne and vodka no thanks. Try vodka and I won't try it again

  13. all,vodka with cola

  14. Lace, Don't ride a bike and not into S&M.

    Don't necessarily like diamonds, pearls don't turn me on either.

    Champagne is nice, but you can make more kinds of drinks with vodka.

  15. Lace



  16. Leather, amber (diamonds and pearls are both too flashy for me), and ganja (liver can't take alcohol).

  17. Leather shoes, lace curtains. Diamond stud earrings, pearl trim on sweaters. Champagne once a year, vodka never.

    Cute question!

  18. Leather, Diamonds and Vodka please if you are buying.

  19. Hard to choose, pearls are elegant and quietly beautiful. Leather shoes and bags and vodka is a better drink. I like vodka with a splash of orange juice.     Poppy

  20. hahahaha! We invented it. hahahaha! I laughed at that. :~D

    Lace! I'm the ~Dolly Parton~ of Lace. I like my clothes to be sparkly and cute. Diamonds, are my birthstone. Champagne especially at Weddings and when I turned 21. That was a fun time! ;~)

    love ya

    {{{hugs}}} <><

  21. Lace as it is delicate much like myself -  (yeah about as delicate as an old boot).

    Diamonds as I love the sparkle of them and I will have as many as anyone can spare.

    Champagne because I love the taste of it and I would like it by the truck full please.

    Wearing lace, with my diamonds, with a glass (or two or three) of champagne in my hand what more do I want!  

  22. Lace, diamonds, and champagne anyday.  


  23. Leather with lace... Now that I know more about how diamonds are mined it will have to  be Pearls. Never liked Champagne nor vodka...A nice glass of  wine.

    Edit. it worked I sent this from my phone.

  24. I don't drink( I had my share in the 70s) I like small jewelry so a simple diamond, lace is nice, pearls to, I have nice leather coat its all good in its time.

  25. In senior citizens?? Are you sure?

  26. Lace,pearls and champagne please

  27. A nice Leather Handbag.  A nice Diamond Ring and a Glass of Champagne to celebrate.

  28. Leather, diamonds and diet Pepsi.

  29. I would love lace, I am not a big gem fan, I would prefer good costume chunky jewelryand vodka. I like the simple pretty things of life. Can we add a wee bit of chocolate to the mix?

    ll&f,  peace, love and chocolate, and of course the Lakers!!

  30. lace diamonds and champagne i'm a good old fashioned girl.

  31. Lace, pearls and champagne....Wow, that should lead to an interesting encounter.

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