
Leave him or keep trying?

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I recently rushed into a relationship because I fell in love, I'm guessing or maybe trying to cover up my pain from a bad divorce. Well he has been accusing me of cheating on him because he seen a text message that an old friend of mine sent me which said "Good Morning Beautiful" well he makes a big deal out of it and lately he tells me he doesn't trust me, I go to work come home and I'm with him all weekend. He threatens me that he is leaving but ends up staying. I feel like I love this guy he is really a good person but I don't know what to do anymore. Should I continue to try to make it work or shall I just let him go?




  1. It is a control thing.  Leave him.  Besides if you are just getting out of a divorce, it probably will not last.  And if they threaten to leave...don't let the door hit your butt on the way out.  Don't beg him to stay, and if he continues threatening you then maybe you need to make the decision for him.  Make  him leave.  Don't get yourself into another bad situation.

  2. I can see why the "good morning beautiful" thing bothered him.  Only he should be talking to you like that.  He's threatening...that's his wall he's put up.  He's afraid that you are cheating and will threaten to leave, so he has the upper hand.  You need to have your friend stop talking to you this way and start showing your husband that he is the one you want.  Start "watering" your relationship and he won't feel so insecure.

  3. If he doesn't trust you it will never work...let him walk away or you should walk away.  Don't waste your time.

  4. You  need to have some time for yourself.  If, he is always saying he is going to leave. Let him go you do not need to go though another heartache.  


  6. Show him the text message is old.  That should clear things up, and if it doesn't keep in mind he is jealous of you because he cares for and wants you.  You need to have a talk and let him know how much this is affecting your relationship.

  7. Its kind of understandable why he got angry/jealous seeing that text message. However, if he can't let that go, then maybe you should let him go. I would give him another chance, but only after telling him to "DROP IT" and see if he is able to do that. If not, let him leave, its not worth the stress!

  8. If he threatens to leave you, tell him to go.  If he cannot trust you than he can take the door.  (Bet he doesn't go)  

  9. he is showing very bad signs of being over jealous and these things don't change they just get worse. i would let him go asap. threats and all that stuff is what he does now. how do you know he won't get physically violent in the future?

  10. I feel this man was a crutch who helped you through a bitter time. At the time you may not have been thinking clearly and quickly fell in love. Now you are coming to your senses more, you are seeing perhaps he is not the one. I think if you really love this man, then perhaps you should try to make this work. But honestly I think you jumped out of one relationship into another one way to quick. I think you should perhaps give this relationship another shot, only because he does have the right to be a little insecure after seeing that text. But if his jealous ways seem to be overbearing, then perhaps it would be best for you to move on and explore other options, which you should have done after the divorce before getting serious with him anyways.

  11. If he's THAT freaky over such an innocuous text message, then that should be a HUGE RED FLAG that he's a controller and possibly and abuser.  That is NOT normal behavior, believe me!!

    Tell him the next time he threatens to walk out, to not stop actually carry through on his threat!  You don't need that kind of mental abuse and manipulation!!

    And if he won't walk, then you should!  I'm telling you right now -- as the ex-wife of an abuser -- that it will NEVER get any better.

  12. Trust issues are trust issues, if he's freaking out over an old text message, he's sure to find something insignificant to accuse you about  again. He's obviously insecure with himself, it's not you. Next time he threatens to leave, walk to the door and open it for him.  He has no reason not to trust you so he should really grow up and be a man. I would recommend trying to get him some councling  to deal with his insecurities.  

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