
Leave it to Mike Meyers to make a funny hockey movie. Did you?

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Slap Shot is the best.




  1. Pretty sure they passed a bylaw here in Toronto that everyone in town must see it. I heard Rob Blake did a good job, Meyers said he couldn't believe how well he did picking up on acting. It's gotta be good if the critics hate it. Movie critics strike me as the types who would never 'get' hockey anyway.

    Yeah, I'm going.

  2. I haven't seen it yet but I'll probably go see it next week. Unless I hear more bad reviews, then I'll just wait for it to come out on DVD.

  3. i heard that it really sucked

    btw how much of it is actually hockey

    what percent of the movie includes actualy hockey being played?

  4. no not yet, because i dont really want to go. the only reason why i would go and see it is because of the hockey

  5. LoL yeah i watched it. It was better than i thought it would be, but I mean, for a pg-13 movie, there's A LOTTTT of sexual Innuendos in it lol. Its pretty funny though. (But it depends on what you find funny)...I laugh at just about anything, and i think a lot of things are funny, so if your not the type to laugh easily...don't go see it lol.

    And jessica Abla is drop dead gorgeous.

  6. What is Christian Country and why does that mean there are no hockey fans?

  7. Game On!

  8. I've read some of the worse reviews of that movie ever -- the critics have been trashing it for stupidity. So I probably will avoid it.

    And this from a guy who loved "Slap Shot."

  9. all the local and major critics trashed it

    and i repeat nothing will beat Slapshot!

  10. Love hockey but don't like Mike Meyers. I would like to see how he trains the hockey player though and I could really use a good laugh. I will just blindfold myself when Meyers comes on. Yeah baby!

  11. Haven't watched it yet.

  12. I have not seen it yet. I plan on seeing it soon. Maybe next weekend

  13. i was planning to go see it next weekend! i have heard both bad and good things but i think it will be worth watching it! Cant wait!

  14. As of early Friday morning, the movie has accumulated a 90 percent “rotten” rating at the movie review aggregator site and sparked several opinion pieces questioning the health of Myers’ career.

    Here’s a sampling of the reviews:

        * Joe Morgenstern in the WSJ: “The road taken by ‘The Love Guru’ could hardly be lower, and leads nowhere.” [WSJ]

        * Dana Stevens in Slate: “…the most joy-draining 88 minutes I’ve ever spent outside a hospital waiting room… it’s about as much fun as a tour of someone’s large intestine.” [Slate]

        * A.O. Scott in The New York Times: “To say that the movie is not funny is merely to affirm the obvious. The word ‘unfunny’… does not quite capture the strenuous unpleasantness of his performance. No, ‘The Love Guru’ is downright antifunny, an experience that makes you wonder if you will ever laugh again.” [The New York Times]

        * Harry Knowles of Ain’t It Cool News: “With this film, Myers puts a shotgun in the mouth of comedy and kills it. This isn’t merely a bad film, but a painful experience that you keep telling yourself to leave… one of the most inept pathetic terrifyingly awful experiences I’ve ever suffered through.” [Ain’t It Cool News]

        * The Onion’s A.V. Club: “Pop-culture riffing, winking double entendres, scatological humor, and silly names aren’t just the foremost weapons in Myers’ comic arsenal, they’re all he’s got.” [The A.V. Club]

        * Washington Post: “…a wheezy, tired attempt to milk more laughs out of the ’60s, by doing exactly what ‘Austin Powers’ did: collect cultural references from the period, run them through a wringer of self-satisfaction and — presto, change-o — cultural satire. Although satire seems a strong word for something so insignificant.” [Washington Post]

        * Richard Corliss in Time: “As much as I’d like to, I cahn’t join the chorus of critical contumely. The Love Guru is a shambling, hit-or-miss thing… a fine mess.” [Time]

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