
Leave the octopus alone already!?

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I've been gone for a couple of days, so I appolagize in advance if this has been posted already...But people really p**s me off sometimes. This fruitcake from Texas took the tradition personally and decided he would do something about it.

Also, this article is coming from Yahoo, so I don't know how reliable it is...But here it is,;_ylt=AtD6VB94TTsIgvrnn6P1.M97vLYF?urn=nhl,87958

Do you have any sugestions for Mr. Greene?




  1. Please and thank you. Stupid hick, leave the matter alone! It's been going on before you were born! (I think...)

  2. oh those d**n penguins fans. greene thinks the only way detroit will win, is with their octopus. the guy isn't even from detroit so there is no reason he should care. patrick has been alive during the nhl for 60years, so why should this issue suddenly affect him now?

  3. just leave the octopus alone!

  4. Mr. Greene is just jealous because his team doesn't have a good luck charm. The octopus works too don't see why they would need to stop throwing it. They would have to change there mascot too. Mr. Green are you going to fork out the money for it all?? Poor Al the octopus..

  5. Whatever...I'm so over it seriously. HeavySoviet made a comment to try and put the Octopus on the jersey, which i think is a great idea..


  6. If he doesn't like hockey don't watch...if he objects to killing animals or sea life, the octopus is already deceased before it thrown.....(this is not an immoral act we are talking about)..

    I suggest that there a lot of better causes to champion than this one, but if he wants to do this.....I say that is his right ........I think he just likes seeing his name in print.........

  7. Its just funny that with all that is going on today in America and the world that the thing that outrages him the most is octopus being thrown on the ice at a Hockey game.  Aren't there real problems or social causes this man could be unreasonably upset about.  

    Mr.  Greene, maybe you should spend your time concerned with the respect and well being of LIVING creatures.  The fans love the tradition and will do it regardless of what you think or the courts say.

  8. Sorry, Greenie.  In America, you don't have the right to NOT be offended.  If we all have freedom of speech/expression, eventually someone is gonna say/do something you don't like.

    Put on your Big Boy pants and DEAL WITH IT!

  9. why cant people leave tradition alone. it hurts nobody the octopus is already dead they dont even taste that well. as for the guy from texas this quote fits well "Only steers and q****s come from Texas And you don't look much like a steer to me so that kinda narrows it down"

  10. So lets see... If he's a redneck Texan, "and has compared his campaign to protect the sanctity of seafood to the revolutionary struggles for women's suffrage and g*y marriage," does that mean that he wants it to continue? Because I'm sure he, being a redneck sure didn't want the "womern folk" to be able to vote, and "them damned fruits gettin' married".

  11. You know what, this has to be the most idiotic thing I've ever heard of. I mean, I can see it from the guy's perspective, he's getting what he wants--attention. He's getting his name thrown around in the news and stuff, and I think that's the only reason he's doing it, because if you really are against throwing dead octopi on the ice, then you have something serioulsy wrong with your head. Again, I can see why he'd want to do it from his viewpoint, but from a neutral and moral perspective, this is the dumbest S**t I've ever seen in my life! I mean, seriously, I've never quite heard of anything THIS stupid. It's just.... it's just hard to describe the level of stupidity you have to achieve to think of something like this, and then actually go through with it. Sure, you're getting your attention, but everyone thinks you're a dumbass! And rightfully so! You know, why not go to Nashville and try to stop them from throwing catfish then? Or go to Mexico and try to stop c**k fights? Or does he respect octopi more than catfish and roosters? Isn't that like, animal racism? So, like, specie-ism? lol, the guy is a specie-ist! And a dumb one too...

  12. Dumb redneck. I say if he doesnt like it, dont watch the game

  13. Do you think he'd be pissed if he knew I shoot squirrels in the skull that go in my gardens.

    Me too!!!!

  14. d**n redneck, people that no nothing of hockey or its tradition should keep their d**n mouths shout.

  15. Stupid hillbillies.

  16. He's just a dumb redneck.....(no offense to anyone from Texas, but all Texans are rednecks I know many) I've been just ignoring him. Apparently he knows ZILCH about hockey and hockey tradition.

    The old man has nothing better to do than sue? It's pathetic, honestly. Why should he even care? Is it hurting him? No. Is he an animal activist? No.

  17. While I agree that he is being ridiculous and should leave detroit the h**l alone, some thoughts:

    -the "don't like it, don't watch hockey" theory doesn't work.  If he is against the killing of octopi, or the humiliation of their corpses, not watching hockey won't make that go away... he will just become ignorant of it.  That's like saying, "don't like rape... don't rape people."  Well, I don't want ANY rapes happening, so I should do all I can to make sure others don't rape either.

    -Why is he a q***r?  I'm sure there are MILLIONS of g*y people (myself included) who would not protest that tradition, and are not against it.  Why must people who do something annoying be labeled as homosexuals?

    Sorry, just pet peeves.  My suggestion for Mr. Greene... go find something worthwhile to fight, instead of trying to ruin a tradition in a city 1,500 miles from where you live.

  18. Yeah, as I said before.... I hope it goes to trial so we can find out that Patrick Greene is actually Gary Bettman!

  19. Wow, I bet Bettman wants him to be the next Commissioner.

    Either that, or its Bettman in discguise.

  20. Let's find out where he lives and dump octopus ooze on him.

    Mr. G needs to g.a.l.

  21. Go **** an octopus, Mr. Greene.

  22. This man has a real bee in his bonnet, and probably much too much time on his hands.  

    I'm thinking that this vitriolic attack on the tradition of the octopus might encourage folk to do more of it, just to spite him.  In a way it would be interesting to see just how far a lawsuit will go; my own thought is that once you have appropriately cooked your seafood, it's up to you how you consume it.

    I would like him to stop bothering us and our admittedly rather icky tradition, and use his resources to help battered wives, starved children and abused LIVE animals, global warming, world poverty and the restoration of the rain forests.  

    Start at home, kid, and work your way up.

  23. isn't he like 60 anyways? The league would just dismiss this case. its bull s hit

  24. Everyone has their opinions, i suppose..

    Most, like him - should just keep them to themselves. lol

  25. go home.... if you don't like it, no one's forcing you to watch hockey. what's with all these people trying to change our sport when it has absoluately nothing to do with them?

  26. What an ***hole. Whats the difference between buying it and eating it and buying it and selling it. He s probably just mad that the stars got beat by the wings.

  27. Calm down Kate, you're just a little upset Texas earns better bowl games than the Sooners but don't stereotype or I will have to go Franco-Mejicano on your Okie A*s

    All kidding aside ya'll .. there are rednecks outside of Texas too = but it's easy to pick on Mr. Greene because "He's from TX so he must be a hick." I think he was upset that the electricity went out in his trailer park + Stripes (it's like 7-11) was outta Busch beer

    ps. I don't defend his words.

  28. This is how you know people truly have too much time on their hands.

  29. Yeah this is pretty silly, on the other hand why not just switch to a doll. Would it really violate the spirit of the tradition? I'm not saying do it to appease him, I'm saying do it because let's face it the tradition was started to sell octopus. Well just have the places order less instead of wasting them like this.

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