
Leaveing the Phil.they said i did an NBI or ACR clear. what is needed i have been here 16 months now ?

by Guest58023  |  earlier

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I am getting ready to leave the Phil. soon and they say i need to get a clearence of some kind what is needed and what is it in detail pls. to make sure i file it right I have been here for 16 months now




  1. Go to your nearest NBI/ACR office and ask for a clearance certificate. You'll probably need your papers for proof of citizenship (if you're not a Filipino citizen), visa, passport and picture ID. It's SOP when you leave the country and enter another country, they just want a certificate that tells them you're not a criminal on the run.

  2. Go to the embassy and take a test.  It is basic American 10th grade requirement.

  3. i guess

  4. It's an exit visa.  Just another way for the government to make a buck.  Not a big deal.  Go to immigration tell them when you are leaving and they will give you a piece of paper and take your money.  Just like renewing.

    Not hard , doesn't take long and is cheap.

    Unless you committed a crime while here.

    Then shame on you.

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