
Leaving Cert?

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How did you get through it? I actually can't do it,I won't be able to answer any of the questions,all the stuff I don't know are going to come up I just know it!!

Is it really,really bad??




  1. Hey i'm doing it too this year.. . Ok stop panicking it won't do you any favours. Go to bed early tonight. Get up at 9am and cram until 7... . Then grab a friend and go for a chat... . That's my plan for tomorrow. There's no point getting yourself all worked up, as this will only psych you up for not doing your best. Try your best, there's nothing else you can do. It wil all be over soon. I've heard from everyone it's not as bad as everyone says it is!. :)

    I wish you the best of luck!!


    And to everyone doing the leaving best of luck..and remember only a few days of h**l and then summer! :D

  2. First Calm Down!

    Listen to 2FM every night at 7pm, They have a leaving cert show, If you miss it, It's also available on pod cast, I was listening to it today and it's really good, gives you great tips.

    They were talking about English and maths today, not sure what they're talking about tomorrow though.

    I did the Leaving about 4 years ago and I felt the exact same, but I got through it and I thought some of the tests were hard but it still got me a lot of points.

    You will get through it, Don't worry, All of my students feel this way and they all get through it, with flying colours!

    Once, you know the layout of the exam papers, you'll be fine, just keep studying from the revision books and practice doing exam papers.

    I'm sure you'll have no problem with the Irish anyway!

    = )

  3. It's not nearly as bad as you think - you'll be surprised how much will come back to you when you sit down to do it.

    Best of luck!

  4. Just remember to breathe and get a good nights sleep tonight. I'm sure you'll be fine. =)

  5. It's not bad, you'll probably do really well, if you've been looking at past questions you'll have a good idea of what it's going to be like, and you'll be fine.

    You're just panicking, and this is perfectly fine. It's good to get a bit nervous before an exam, gets the adrenaline going.

    And there is life after the Leaving Cert, pet. I've had 22 years of life since my Leaving Cert, and I felt the same way then as you do now. You'll be grand.

  6. haha im fcuked too. dreading wednesday!

  7. hey!

    are you looking foward to it? (cough cough)

    I'm repeating so this is my second time lol

    I want to get much higher!

    Trust me its not so this stage you just relax, do a bit of cramming and sleep well!

    At least the exam scheduale is different now, last year was waaaay worse

    You'll be fine'll be so much better if you dont freak out

    Good Luck and fingers crossed!

    Just think of how good the summer (and the future! lol) will be when its all over

  8. hi you

    relax relax relax the panic you have now we had once you sit down and relax read the paper and you will be fine OK the worse thing you can do is to panic OK just remember take a beep breath of air relax read the paper and you will be surprise

  9. Once you have it done you'll realise that there's more to life than the leaving cert!! No matter how many points you get you can always end up doing the course you want in college.

    Yes it may take you an extra year or two but there's too much pressure put on pupils for the lc so just do your best and start planning for the future!!

    Best of luck

  10. Hey im also doing it...again! 15 hrs to english !! its not so bad when you're in there, just study the exam layout and knw as much on the most likely topics as possible!

    Use revision books - very handy!

  11. I AM FREAKING OUT! i am doing it too

  12. ohhhh mgod english..

    that radio show sounds good anyone know what they said?

    rich/larkin/mahon im guessing?

  13. Hey, I have my LC tomorrow too...  its looking really really bad from where I have my lazy as.s planked at the moment, lol. Tomorrow with the 'easy' part of the English, I plan to just grab a book from my bookshelf and start reading it. I find that if you read from an accredited author your mind begins to flow a little and within 20 minutes you could write better than James Joyce!

    The first thing to do is to calm down though, you won't freeze and go brain dead unless you start hitting your head against the brick wall (not advised) so chillax a bit. With all these negative waves, you're making me feel nervous...

    Best of luck for the next two weeks, you'll do your best I have no doubt,

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