
Leaving a teaching contract (Ohio)?

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last year was my first year teaching and I ended up in a low-income, urban district. The kids are manageable- once I learned some strategies- but the administration is unbearable. I've been looking for another job, but no luck yet. I have until July 10th before my contract is binding and I must return for another year. I've been told that most districts will release teachers from contracts even after that date because they do not want to keep teachers who would rather be elsewhere; however, the teachers in my district tell me that it will hold you to your contract and take your license for 1 year if you break your contract.

July 10th is fast approaching and I am utterly panicked about returning for another year. Should I resign now and hope that I find something after July 10th? Should I keep looking and try to get out of my contract if I get another job?




  1. I am in Ohio and had the same situation.  What I chose to do is quit my job that I did not like and keep applying until I found something.  Luckily I landed a job a week before school started.  Lots of things can happen after July 10th with teaching positions...teachers move, decide to not teach again, etc.  It is always possible that you would need to sub for a year or so, which isn't a horrible thing.  You could choose to sub in a district or two that you really want to work for so that when a position does open up your face and work ethic are known.  (If you go this route, be a GREAT sub!  You want to be requested by teachers, not have them complain to the office about you...and that does happen.  Everyone in our building knows who the good subs are and tries to get them.)  But, you have to do what is best for you.  If you can't survive on the sub pay, then you may want to hold on to your job until you have landed another one.

  2. I am in the same boat (in Ohio).  I actually love my school- but I can't afford the gas money anymore- well I can but that means no life for me!  Stay in your contract- jobs are so hard to come by in Ohio and you never know when you'll get another opportunity.  I talked to my union rep about this too- and she said the same thing- most schools will let you out of your contract after July 10.  Some may charge you some type of penalty, but most will let you go.  Where at from Ohio are you?  I'm in northeast Ohio... if you want to e-mail me I can let you know if I hear of any openings (I have friends that teach in several school districts up here.)

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