
Leaving a tip at a buffet?

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Are you suppose to leave a tip at the buffet even if the buffet is self-service; where you get your own drinks.

I tip 10% if there's a server. Is that an appropriate %?




  1. If it's completely self service (which, to me, includes when someone comes and clears the plates from the table when you're done with them), then I don't tip.  If there's some kind of service, I'll leave at least 10%, or more if the service is really good..

  2. You're seated, the table is set up and someone cleans up after you so I feel you should leave something.

    The Muse

    Even at home where it's basically slave labour (they can't fire me), someone usually thanks me.

  3. The best answer I heard was from an advice columnist. At a buffet, it is considerate to leave a normal tip, since most people don't leave anything and it is a demanding and disgustingly low paying job.  If you don't feel that generous, try either 10% or in this area we usually leave 1 dollar per person.  If the service was poor, never  leave nothing.  It will make YOU look boorish.  I usually leave a few pennies, so they are sure to get the message.

  4. I leave a tip if they have a server who gets your drinks but not at a completely self service buffet.  As far as the tip, now a days, the tip is 15% - 18% for a sit down full service type restaurant.

  5. We usually leave 1-2 dollars per person.  Depends upon how well the plates are cleared.  If the employee has done something special we will leave more.

  6. yes you tip at the buffet....server pay is 3.67hr they depend on tips to pay bills because the pay check is only gas money and 15% or higher is standard tip amount and you want to base it on the server...but dont confuse server with slave many people think servers are supposed to wait on them hand and foot like they dont have other think first does the server suck or are you just being a pain

  7. I have been reading some of these answers and I can not believe how many people go to a Buffet and not leave a Tip that's a very cheap thing to do. Of course you Tip even if it is self serve. The tables still have to be cleaned and they are there to assist you with anything you may need, normally they serve your drinks. I don't care where you go to eat or drink you have to leave a Tip unless the service was not good.

  8. Lol I never tip at a buffet and usually leave a $5-$10 dollar tip depending on the service... if they do a really crappy job I give nothing

  9. As a server I make 4.65/hr. We rely on tips not our paycheck...obviously! 10% is a low tip, the average is about 16% (double the tax) and if you think your server is doing great then people generally leave extra. As far as a buffet, people def have to clear the plates and clean the tables so it is polite to leave something, even if its not what you would leave for a sit down meal!

  10. I believe the proper amount is 10 - 15% for a buffet if the server busses the table and checks on you for drinks.

  11. Do you people eat out often? The average buffet workers is working for tips. Even if it is 100% self-service, you leave a $5.00 tip.  If you are the one that has to clean up the usual mess that most people leave at a buffet, you would appreciate a tip.

  12. no you only tip, at a sit down meal, if you are happy with the service,     blue

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