
Leaving for basic training in army..what to expect?!!

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Hi, I'm a female leaving for basic training soon and i was wondering what all to expect...i already love to run so I'm not extremely worried about girls and guys train together or stay in the same place while sleeping? is the food nasty? and do we only have 7 minutes to eat each meal? what all do the sergeants pick on you for? should i keep my mouth shut even at meal times...i like to talk so im afraid that is whats going to cause me the most problems...what all should i take?!




  1. The food is actually pretty good, better than a high school cafeteria, very similar to a college cafeteria, minus the fact that you cant choose several different entrees to eat. You get as long as the drill sergeants allow for. Its usually around 20 minutes, but if you s***w up, it will be less, if you have a good day, you might be looking at a half hour. You don't need to keep your mouth shut, just when the drill instructor is talking or when you are told to be quiet. DO NOT VOLUNTEER FOR ANYTHING! You could be at the shooting range and the DI will ask for a volunteer and who ever does they might have shoot first or they could say thanks and sent them to the bathroom with a toothbrush to scrub the floors. Mainly, just go with the flow of other people. If other people are talking, its probably safe, if everyone is quiet, you probably should too. Guys and girls do train together in BCT, despite the MOS. Once you get done with BCT and head off to AIT, if you are in an MOS with other guys, they will stay with you, but most of the main combat MOS's are limited to males only, and they train seperately. Hope this helps! Best of luck to you!

  2. your boyfriend will cheat on you and everyone back home will forget you exist

  3. You won't have to worry, you'll be fine. Male's and females train together. I think it's more like 20 min. to eat each meal. Drill sgts will pick on you for everything. Nothing you do will be right, but you can't let that get to you. Bring only yourself...goodluck!

  4. Hi, I'm an army wife so I have never been in your shoes and my husband would kills me if i tried. He wouldn't want me in the army :-) But I have asked him about females in the army and he says they put up with alot of c**p. Some of them get hard and mean, other shrug it off and just do their job. You will most likely get picked on for being a female by both drills sgts and your peers, but you'll do fine. He said you do have to eat fast make sure you keep your locker spotless, and do whatever they say to, you should be fine. Yes you do sleep in a separate place. My husband is in an all male MOS so he didn't go to your basic training, but i think you'll be good. I wish you luck and hope everything goes well for you.  

  5. Its been 6 years since i went to BCT, but it should still be the same. Try to bring as little as possible, everything will be issued to you, and i mean everything, down to the undies. Males and Females are seperated in different barracks. the Drill Sergeants pick on you just because its thier job to, so you can handle yourself under stress. You'll hate it when you're going through it, but believe me you will think back to it with fond memories.

    hope that helps  :)

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