
Leaving for college tomorrow, any advice for me?

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I'll be a freshmen in college tomorrow, though classes don't start until Monday. I'm really excited, but also very nervous. I'll be rooming with a friend from high school, so that gives me a friend on campus. However, I'm still nervous about the whole meeting new friends thing. What can I expect on my first week of college? Thanks a lot!




  1. It is confusing and overwhelming, although that depends on the size of the school. Don't be afraid to ask questions of your advisor.

    Other than that, just be sure to take advantage of the whole experience. Study hard and play hard. Life will never be this good again.

  2. Have fun, but don't let the party aspect get out of control like many do. Many kids wonder why the have a hard time geting a decent job after 4 years. They're the ones who didn't keep their eye on the ball.

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