
Leaving for the weekend, What to do with my IGUANA for 3 days?!?

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Here is my solution: Moving him to a friends house for the weekend that can take care of him. This is a trusted friend so don't go there. But, My worrys are in transporting him and him being in a new "different" place for a few days, is this going to stress my iguana out? or make her not eat? act weird? anything like that..?.. and also she is going from a 72 gallon tank into a 25 gallon tank. I know this isnt ideal, but this is the BEST thing I can do for her while I'm gone for 3 days. I know that a 25 gallon tank is not suitable for an iguana to live in but this is not a HOME. It's only a few days and I already feel bad enough for having to leave her so don't go there either.

She is about 19 months old.




  1. It is ok if this is not a common occurrence.  It will be a stress on the animal, but its not going to do any damage as long as the animal is healthy and well fed. I would suggest not handling her while shes in this smaller cage and for a few days after you return her to her enclosure.  

  2. i have many pets & i always bring them 2 a trusted neighbor or friend, if u dont have any then always try the vet, they will sometimes watch ur pets. but there is always a fee. i dont think ur iguana will stress out to much, it probably wont even care. i have a leopard gecko & we go on a lot of vacations, so dont worry. GOOD LUCK!!

  3. Its okay. You just have to put a little extra food and water. That simple. Its not like its going to die. Just make sure you secure the lid.

  4. You don't have to move her. I've left my iguana for three days before. Just give her extra food and put a heater/night time basking light in the lamp and leave it on for the weekend. Sure she'll miss three days of UV but it won't do any damage to her. My iguana was fine when I did that once and the second time my mom stayed to help, but I don't think you should move her.

  5. let a friend watch them.

    that is what i did with mine for a month when i went to Europe.

  6. Usually it would be best if the friend comes to your house, mainly because then your iguana will not have the stress of the new environment. There is always a chance that even if you have someone come in and check on them, take care of them, etc that your iguana will possibly not eat, until you return back. The best thing to do prior to leaving is having someone start taking care of them prior to your vacation time, because it is how the iguana is around them. Although you may have an angel for you, even if the pet sitter/friend comes over and takes care of your iguana your iguanas attitude may be totally different around the friend.

    19 month in 75 gallon, that is a bit small.

    I would have you're friend come to your house prior to your vacation, and let your friend start feeding her, taking care of her before you go on vacation. Again, different slave different tude.

    Even after you come back from your vacation you're iguana may give you a attitude problem, they gotta say somehow "I'm pissed at you for leaving me", regardless if you had someone to take care of them.

    Sites for you to read: - -

    A great book to read and have on hand:

    Iguanas for Dummies by Melissa Kaplan

    Yahoo has some great sites for Iguana owners... these groups helped me and still help w/ questions .. if you'd like to join: -

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