
Leaving hamsters at home while on vacation?

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I have 2 Syrian hamsters (in seperate cages of course) and 2 Roborovski dwarf hamsters. I am going on vacation from Monday until Friday next week. Would it be okay if I left them at home? I will feed them and change their water right before I go away and I will do it again as soon as I get back. Is this okay?

If it's not, I have someone I can leave them with. But I'm kinda worried because they have a cat (but the cat won't be able to get near the cages, but yeah Im still worried >.<)

I think if they ran out of food it wouldn't matter TOO much because they all store food everywhere in their cages hehe. But I'd make sure they have enough water.

Has anyone left theirs for a few days? If so, how long for?

Thanks! Joanne (:




  1. i would get some one to check on your hammies at least once. but they should be fine if you leave them enough food for 5 days, they will store most of it and can eat it whenever

  2. I always left my hamsters with my Grandma or my best friend when i went on vacation. Even though they did store food and stuff I wouldn&#039;t want to take a chance with a week. And I had a cat and they never even bothered my hamsters. Let someone watch them, it&#039;s the safe thing to do.  

  3. I would suggest asking someone to take care of they can get played with while your gone. And the food can be refilled and water can be changed daily

    I wouldnt wanna be stuck in my room for 5 days with nothing to do.....

  4. When we leave our hamster home alone we come back to an eager happy to see us pet, who still has food left. (the most is 5 days). When we leave him with my mom we come back to an ill or dead pet. I trust no-one. I say make sure the house temp will remain good, not to hot or cold and they should be fine.

  5. u should definitely leave them with someone - preferably someone without a cat, just in case.  

  6. Just make sure before you go that there is plenty of water and food in the cage, and on day 2 or 3 while your gone get someone to go around to your house and make sure there is food and water for them.

    I&#039;ve left my hamster for a week before, my neighbor popped around once while we were gone and she was fine!

    Good luck, have a good holiday!   x-katkid-x

  7. i would get a friend or realative to come check on them and feed them every few days. I have watched a friends hamster and they don&#039;t need fed everyday but its best to be safe instead of sorry when u get back

  8. I think everyone should be fine when you come back, but maybe you should have a neighbor check on your pets every other day to make sure they all have adequate food and water.

  9. they will be fine but put maybe 2 bowls of food for all you hamsters just in case. i left for 2 weeks before and all of my hamsters lived i just put food around there cage and in there food bowl and of course they had there water bottle filled to the top! hope i helped!

  10. I really wouldn&#039;t leave them alone for that long. I&#039;d worry they&#039;d run out of water/food (even with stashing as it could go bad). I&#039;d think it&#039;d get a little unsanitary in there as well.. but I&#039;d be more concerned about food/water.

    It really would be best to have at least someone who could change food/water for them. If they HAVE to be alone, I&#039;d make sure there was extra food/water.. I really wouldn&#039;t leave them alone more than 2-3 days.

  11. I think that the cages will be fine and clean and your hamsters will be fine too.  Just give them each a little extra food than you would normally give them so they don&#039;t run out.  Also make sure their water bottle is filled and tightened so it doesn&#039;t leak and cause wet bedding.

    I have left my gerbils for about 4 days before and I made sure the were well fed, cleaned and had enough water.

    What you could do is give them a tiny piece of carrot (that helps with the water intake) but only give them as much as they&#039;ll eat.  You don&#039;t want it to get soggy in their cage.

    Good luck!

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