
Leaving my job, do I get paid unused sick days?

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I found a new job and should be leaving soon. I have over a week of unused sick days. Is my work required to pay them when I leave?




  1. usally if you quit, you don't get paid anymore (that means the company no longer owes you moeny, even for unpaid time). however if you get fired, you will get paid everything the companies owe you.

  2. they are not required to pay out sick time but they do have to pay out any vacation time that is owed

  3. Sick pay will not be paid out if you leave the company voluntarily or involuntarily.

  4. ~~Unless it's a company policy then the answer is no. An employer only has to pay you for unused vacation days.~~

  5. Employer policy can vary.  Typically, no.

  6. I'll assume this is in the United States. Your employer is not under any obligation to pay you for unused personal, sick or vacation days unless:

    1) You are subject to an employment agreement that specifies this

    2) You are working under a collective bargaining agreement (i.e. - you are in a union) and this is specified in the agreement

    However, many companies do have a policy whereby they pay employees for unused time when they leave. Go to your Human Resources department and ask.

  7. Normally you get paid for unused vacation days, but not for unused sick and/or personal days.  Check your employee handbook if your company has one.

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