
Leaving the "Century of America"?

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The 20th century had often been called the century of the US. The USA has been dominated poltical, economic, and moral force in the world since 1900. In recent years, however, scholars contend that the influence of the US in world affairs is in decline. Some say that China or some other group of powers will fill the void. Please speak your opinion on this matter, and please tell me or link me to some facts that either support or go against this statement.

Thank you!




  1. It's doubtful that a country like China with it's horrific record on human rights will take the lead in influencing the world, their own problems are just beginning to emerge now.  They're not really as capitalistic as many give them credit for, they certainly have the greedy part down though.  They have also begun to outsource many things that are supposedly made in China and the situation with the skyrocketing cost of oil is going to hit them hard. China's govt. subsidizes gas so the people don't pay the full amount they would if they lived in a true capitalistic country, eventually that puts quite a strain on the govt. to continue paying out that much just to keep the price of gas down, they can't keep doing it from a financial point of view.

    America didn't really become the dominant force in the world until after WW2, if they had been a force after WW1 the treatment of Germany would have been different and WW2 might not have happened.  the sad fact is that what will probably happen is another devastating global conflict and when the dust settles from that you'll see who the dominant force will be.  it won't happen peacefully though.

  2. yes, i agree with you, the economy, is failing,  and China and India are going to take over, but remb. those countries have great respect for the West, sorta how the Romans respected the Greeks and so never "crushed" them i think sumthing similar will happen, the West will stay a sphere of thought but the East will rise in economy and military taking over bringing back the glory days of the Persian Empire by the Indians and the brilliance of the Chinese Dynasties by the slowly becoming democractic gov....xDD mayB im just obsessed with ancient history to much...just the opinion of a 14 yr old history nut hehe

  3. I tend to think there should be less influence of any country on another but rather countries being much more autonomous.  The U.N. is a corrupt and weak organization that is reminiscent of the League of Nations.  Countries being involved in the affairs of other nations is how wars begin a perfect example is the nutty terrorists caring about the fact that the west does not live under Islamic law.  that should only be of concern to people living there, if you're hiding in a cave in Afghanistan you should have no voice in what happens in western Europe or the United States.

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