
Leaving your Husband is that ok ?

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Ok well my Girl Friend is 37 she was married 7 years she tells me, she left her ex husband 9 years ago because she wanted to be close to her family and just got sick of him after 7 years, she tells me this after we were going out 2 weeks, we been living together 4 weeks, will I get the same treatment as him, the ex-husband never done anything wrong was a good worker and husband. Am I going to end up single like him. Her 2 kids always curse her cause she left there daddy.




  1. It's possible. I think you're rushing things a bit by living with her. It's not enough just to work have to also contribute to the union in other ways (communicating, helping with the kids, etc.) Is this the same girl who hit you? Always look before you leap. Get to know someone very well before you get too deeply involved. There are three sides to every story. His...hers...and the truth.  

  2. could... but sometimes people just.. aren't compatible! feel it out! You know her..

  3. You might but If u think that u 2 were made 4 each other than I don't think so.  If her kids grow to love you then u all can b 1 happy family and then i'm sure she won't leave u. Ane besides if u guys got married next year she would b 38 , so if she divorced u after 7 she'd b  45 and at 45 ur not really looking 2 b bac in the dating game ur looking 2 really setttle down.

                                                      Hope I could help

  4. Why take it out on your husband? He deserves to see his kids. Keep your kids away from hers and help your husband!

  5. sounds like this one is what they call "Fickled."  and does not know the meaning of "until death do you part" - the people just grow apart is a load of well if i put that word on here Y & A will have a problem, but i am sure you know what i mean.  truly being Married is alot of work on both partners behalf.  and from what you have said - it also sounds like a selfish one - personally been married for more than 30 yrs, let me tell you - YES there are bumps in the road - but as partners in life we have worked thru them -  birth, death, cancer, death of 2 children, and now one of our sons married 10 yrs w/one child tells us his wife is divorcing him cuz he did not measure up to her expectations???!!!???  we as a society have gotten to attached to the DISPOSABLE things in life so much that we think people are disposable!  they are NOT - some one gets hurt!  there has to be some kind of commitment other than to ones pleasure.  on the up side, people CAN change, again it takes commitment from the botton of the heart.  my husband and children come first, then GOD, then his serveants, then friends, then me somewhere down the line - i love them very much & i wish you the same joy & happiness.  maybe sit her down and talk about what you are feeling - the truth will set your mind free.  peace love & Hare Krishna

  6. She got married at the age of 30. That's not young to be immature and irresponsible in taking a step towards marriage and family. And at 37, leaving a husband because she wanted to be close to her family seems to me a lame and immature excuse. Her own family (husband and children), should come first and she could visit her own family or spend a vacation with them if she misses them. However, how do you know that the ex-husband did not do anything wrong? How much do you love her? And how much does she love you? Are you living close to her family? She might want to be close to them again after 7 years with you.  

  7. You cannot worry about that yet...give time to the children...make her feel her...and things will work out. There are things that happen between people that you and I will never know about..We can only control what is in front of us...I do know that if you treat people right...they will appreciate you and stay.  Make that effort....if it does not work, there is someone out there who will appreciate you for what you are.

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