
Lebanon's Unverisity?

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Lebanon’s largest state-funded University recently held a symposium where participant’s called for the death and “burning” of all Israelis. Why is it important for Police in America to be aware of these sentiments?What are the implications for the United States?




  1. to the ultra dude above   the only ultra you got is your brains are ultra slow.

    they are dead wrong in doing or saying so.

    should be ashamed for even allowing it to be said.

    you respect yourself before  earning respect.

    no one should wish death onto anyone.

    jesus came and taught us to spread love ...not death and hatred

    but after all these years of palestinians and israelis warfares and showdowns, the only people who paid the price are the lebanese and our cedars....  we've had it with both of them

    why cant they both live in peace and let the neighborhood be in peace as well.

    there is enough land for both.

    by squatters rights it belongs to the palestinians

    by history and mosaic rights it belongs to the jews from and since moses days.

    who's right? who's wrong?    who cares.   this is the 21st century,....get along, live and let live.   enough death.

    live and love

  2. stop your propaganda about lebanon.

    no one is burning or calling for the death of jews or "all israelis" in Lebanon.

    maybe in israel you call for this against the palestinians, but here in lebanon no one calls for the death of israel except for your shiite buddies in Hezbollah who the Israelis have a very close, and tight relationship with.
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