
Lebanon Category, how many here still use ......?

by  |  earlier

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multiple accounts ....? Both Kate & Webby tried to entertain us this week after losing their accounts but I am curious to know who here still use multiple accounts.

For the record , I have only ever had two accounts ...this one which was Teita's & my original account .




  1. ok .. time to come clean

    i have 3 =)

    this one, my Heart's one, and a secret 3rd ...

    there are 2 more but i don't use them ..

    ok i forgot Angeloth .. he came to me in siesta this afternoon and yelled at me ...

  2. This is my only account too.

  3. this is my tenth account

  4. 3...I created 2 additional due to the violations I started receiving on this one!

    I hardly access the other 2...I guess I should so I can build up a point base to ask questions and vote.

  5. It seems to be the day of confessions but unfortunately this is the only account I have ever used from the day one.

    Plus, I got my first violation e-mail last week by saying to Webby 'Nice to see you back in action'  as she remained out of sight for a while.

  6. Reiko the minder and the asker, I was the first to make more than one account, shame on me, or maybe good work Reiko,

  7. afther learn from you guys i also got a new account but i will use it just in case i have to reply twice the same question.

  8. hello mate.........

    I'm the one that took ur girls from ur harem..


    I have this account and the other that is the well known one...

    It was funny while i did it.

    But you know.......Hussein is not onlñine from long ago.


  9. i´ve only had one account since i´ve started...

  10. yo sup

    lmao yall i got no idea why sombody like needs more than an account i mean its ridiculous and i seen folks here with more than 5 accounts i mean wat the h**l is that???

    maybe i tink its fun maybe i should get another account too lol..

    arite yall

    peace out!@

  11. this is my first account, I'm not a cheat like webby

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