
Lebanon Category , do I detect a new sense of optimism here....?

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All of the questions lately have been light hearted & cheery. Is that a sign that people are feeling a lot better about the future .....? If so , why ...?




  1. I'm an optimist, but I'm an optimist who takes his raincoat.

  2. yup cuz i met the muffin man, he gave me muffins, and now im happy

  3. Personally, I'm happy because school will be over soon and we get to go out more in summer and plan more activities...for me it's like a re-fueling season where I gather up my energy to start all over again in September.


  4. hmm I dont know.. I just came for a visit :) Looks nice here!!! I had to have a break from YA when there was so much hate and anger since I already have so much stress I didnt need more. But tonight it looks good :) Hope it stays this way.

  5. inshallah man

  6. all we can say at this point is inshallah

    i think everyone wants peace, its just too many different opinions, hopefully we will all find a common ground soon

  7. LOOOOOOL.. a bit better now....but is not bcoz of the feelings abt future, it's only bcoz of  the questions . If the Q would have been silly ones for much more time, the category would be without  members bcoz would be reported permanently. Sometimes, bad things bring something good.

    This category had lost its identity with lot of questions that became it a P and S section. adquired back the way that made all of us to come here and stay.

    I know that not always the truth is nice , but since is true, one has to say it.

  8. Hmm,

    I'm not pessimist but realistic, nothing solved so far, same problems and same actors playing the same movie !

    a Lebanese saying : only a morphine shot !

  9. new president, down town demonstration is over, summer hoilday is'nt that enough?

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