
Lebanon Category , what do farmers in Lebanon use for fertilizer ......?

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Are they right into chemicals or do they use more natural , organic materials.....? If so , what types of fertilizers do they use ...?

This question follows on from one that was asked recently about why fruit & vegetables in Lebanon are so different from what we are used to ...




  1. Although, I am not a farmer by profession but have to take care of an agricultural farm (100 acres) inherited from my parents or on week ends I usually visit the farm house for recreation. I love flowers and have planted them in abundance (not for commercial use).

    I don't know exactly what they use in Lebanon, but generally speaking, the best of fertilizer is manure (organic). It has 17 different types of ingredients, which works on short term and long term bases.

    On the other hand, farmers also use synthetic fertilizers like Ammonia for short term growth and phosphate/ nitrate for long term potency. But synthetic fertilizers, usually have one or two types of ingredients only.

    Since, the Lebanese fruits taste so good, I am sure they must be using organic fertilizers : )

  2. I'm sure they use some sort of chemical, as my mother-in-law was overly fanatic about washing all fruits and veg more than twice and kept repeating the motion of a spray bottle on them. :) Cheers!

  3. cattle dung, cows, goats and sheep .

  4. I'm from Bekaa and I have relatives who have lands ...

    they use "some" Chemical Fertilizers as well as Horse Dung (natural) ...

    I don't know the types of chemicals though ..

    However most of the time they don't need chemicals ... like in the Mountain .. the Apples and Tomatoes (Banadoura) grow naturally big ...

    God's Blessings over Lebanon are too numerous .. we are just ignoring it ...

  5. ahhhh well i wish i know for sure what the answer was, i reallly should considering my family used to be olive tree farmers back in the day lol

    im pretty sure they use natural, organic materials to grow stuff which is why it tastes so much better, and besides like it would be pretty deficult for a bunch of falaheen to get a hold of chemicals. anyways where im from they take great pride in palestinian grown natural foods, like i know a guy there who sells "balady khyaar" and while he is selling he brags that it is natural and whatever.

    and people there can tell the difference between organic grown food and food with chemicals, any food from israel usually is packed with chemicals and the taste is different, so the people assume if it tastes weird, looks different, and isnt natrual it came from israel so they dont buy it

    im not too sure about lebanon though but im thinking that the farmers there are the same way, maybe since everything is more modern and industrialized these days people do use chemicals but idk.

  6. We use our own fertilizers, the most natural one that the human body expulses out...that is the best fertilizer (and there's plenty to go around plus our sewage system is not over-loaded), hence that is why our fruits and veggies are different.

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