
Lebanon Category , what is usual for breakfast in Lebanon ....?

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I have been told that our visiting President had porridge for breakfast today.....? Is that common or have I really started a new trend ...?




  1. my favorite is manushi

  2. what a good think of you fasting, while others talk about food .

  3. no new trend at was once and to see how it taste.

    you better ask if they liked it...

    BTW..I asked  3 Q yesterady and didnt appear here...they took my 15 points.......looooooooool, and are cheating me..

    Plz Lebanon category ·reply at it..( 3 of u already did it.)..thank you;...

  4. the president and her companions had omlettes/eggs and mana2eesh.. and we had  a ' taste' of the australian porridge... and i'll keep my opinion to myself :)

    NAH... i didnt like it :s

    we had fun.. na na na na na..

  5. Kate, Aussie is only interested in hearing the word 'Porridge' and you know why.

    There goes the President's diet .... with all that sumptuous food she is having there : )

  6. Jeddo, I drink only a coffee in the morning  :-)

  7. porridge and omlettes and mana2eesh and Labneh and mrabba

  8. it depends...some people have manakish (like pizza dough but smaller and has either cheese or zaatar)...some people have Kneffeh (Lebanese sweet)...some people like to eat 2assbeh nayyi (raw spleen) with depends, everyone has his own taste

    The everyday fast breakfeast is:

    -Labneh (yogurt cheese)


    -fried eggs ( sometimes we fry them with "awarma" a very fat meat that tastes delicious).

    -A plate of olives

    -A plate of raw vegetables ( tomatoes, cucumber, onions,parsley & mint)


  9. Hard boiled eggs, cheese, Falfel, tomato's, olives, tea with mint and pita bread with sesames on it.

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