
Lebanon and the United Nations?

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Lebanon is a member of the United Nations. Let us assume that Lebanon was not a member, what reasons would you use to recommend Lebanon as a member?

I would also like the following information about Lebanon

-former civil war

-fractions in the south




  1. well lebanon is a key player when it come to ME affairs. With about 700,000 Palestinian refugees in its lands, any peace agreement between Israel and Palestine without Lebanese acceptance will never stand. because the Lebanese want the Palestinians  out of Lebanon and any agreement against that will cause a new war in the area.

    As for the Civil war, it started in 1975 between Christians, Palestinians, Sunni, Shia, Druze, Syria, Israel, and many more

    for more info see wikipedia

  2. What's up with you and Lebanon? wanna go Lebanese? very nice people... the problems in the south are between the gov't and the Hizbullah organization.

    Most of the southern Lebanese support Hizbullah but the ones living in the north don't...

  3. A main reason is that Lebanon is a key player in the middle east. not just in trade, but political power within the region. A buffer and moderator for Syria.

    The civil war occurred in th e 80's with different factions. Israel supported the Christian militia while other factions were supported by other Arab states. You can find more about this on Wikipedia.

  4. Are you also Austin?

    Do your own Homework!

  5. Lebanon has been against the terrorists supportive of the Palestinians. Thus, it can become a member of the United nations.

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