
Lebanon returned the bodies of the two dead Israeli soldiers, but how did they die?

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I have yet to see anything about the cause of their deaths. Weren't they captured alive? If so, why isn't there any outrage over what could only have been their execution? Why isn't there universal condemnation of Hezbollah for this?




  1. Probably tortured and shot. Either way, it wasn't nice.

  2. Hezbollah is not the legitimate government of Lebanon.

    The soldiers were attacked on Israeli soil.

    So the people who killed the Israeli soldiers were not legal combatants and invaded Israel without any legal status.

    Upshot is the soldiers were murdered.

    Hezbollah is a smear on humanity.

  3. OK, I'll start the condemnation.

    Hezbollah is a bunch of murdering terrorists and should be cleaned from the face of the earth.

  4. It is a forgone conclusion that any person 'captured' by terrorists will be tortured and murdered. I refuse to use the word 'execute' in conjunction with a group of untrained, ununiformed vagabonds who drift into a combat zone to participate in the killing of others, especially when the murders of these 'prisoners' is in direct opposition to their supposed 'religious teachings'.

    These folks would be simple criminals in their homelands if they were not 'fighting'.

  5. they were returned with their heads under their arms, does that answer your question.

  6. Shame on the Palestinian Cowards!!! Shame on them, Hezbollah, they are nothing but worst then pansy woman in kieffers.. Spat!

    Capturing 2 dead Israel patriots in hope of exchanging 100 over sick murderers... I think Israel should have had strap them in Bomb belts and return them over...

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