
Lecavalier & Kovalchuk = Great BUT under-promoted players?

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I think those guys dont get enough hype for their talent!




  1. I agree to an extent on the Vinny point, he is an incredible talent and leader who can control a game, a real modern day Bealivu, stats for him are nonsensical because his teams in the beginning were terrible.

    Kovie I disagree with because he has what seems like a lack of drive and a penchant to lose his focus during games, good scorer but not a complete player like Vinny.

  2. Lecavalier? Games710  Goals273  Assists 329 Total602  +/- -80  Hardly STELLAR! His points per game is miles away from HOF pace! Face it, overhyped because his team won the CUP............ No Great player has a minus for his career even on a bad team! Great players make the players around him better. His line gets scored on more times than they Score.... proof is in the stats!

  3. NIPS - I must disagree with you there, buddy. You look back on the lineup Lecavalier played with in the mid-to-late 90's. He took a while to come into his own, but he has more than proved that he has in the past few years.

  4. ill agree with the Kovalchuk statement. He doesnt get the praise since hes in Atlanta. So say he was on a big team say... Toronto, Montreal, Detroit, Rangers, Ottawa, you would hear so much about his talent. You cant win the Rocket trophy by fluke on a Atlanta team, and end up 2nd this year. Can anyone even give me his center?

    Ya Todd White, Kovy does it all for that team by himself

    GP = 466

    Goals = 254

    Assists = 212

    Points = 466

    +/- = -73

    point a game player in Atlanta, thats pretty good in my books

  5. What are you talking about???

    Everyone was all over Lecavlier saying he was the most awesome thing on ice. One of the Hart contenders for last years' first half.

    I kindof agree with the Kovlachuck statement. But you always get lost a little when you are on a bad team, because its like kovlachuk had a hat trick and they lost 6-3. But its widely known he is one of the leagues best scorers. What do you want?

    I think real fans know exactly what both of these guys do. I'm sorry them being considered premiere players in the NHL what more do you want.

  6. Lecavalier is definitely under-promoted, but not over hyped.  No team in this entire sport would think twice about offering him less than what Tampa is paying him.  No team would hesitate to put him on their first line.  Lecavalier is also one of our most "clutch" goal scorers as well.

    NIPS mentioned his stats, which is very easy to skew seeing as how half those stats came while the Lightning were still under their first 10 years of existence.  Why not run his stats from 03-present (around when Torts came in and restructured the team)NIPS?  Because then you would see he definitely is putting up HOF kind of numbers.  

    Unfortunately last season the Lecavalier-St Louis-Prospal line was not as productive and I feel that this occured because of Lecavalier's lack of playing time with Richards AND St. Louis.  Even though I like Prospal and he is definitely on Richard's level, I still think the Big 3 were the main spark of Lecavalier getting his swagger and becoming what he is today.

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