
Lecture Classes..............?

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My friend tells me that with most big lecture classes (100+students) that I have a discussion group or whatever its called. And she also told me that the discussion groups should show on my schedule, but they don't. Are the discussion groups suppose to show up on my schedule?




  1. I have large lecture classes, and none of them have any sort of "discussion group".  It could depend on the school or the course.  I'd ask someone in the main university office or your advisor, if you have one.

    Best of luck!

  2. That depends on the school.  When I was a student at UCLA, I had a lot of large lecture classes (often 3-400).  I had discussion sections with one or two of them, but not with others, and I don't remember that they were on my official schedule at all.  I have heard of what your friend suggests, though, so she isn't crazy.  It may just be that she went to a different school than the one which you are attending.

  3. Some large classes have "labs" attached (don't confuse for science labs -- not the same thing).  These are supplemental sections to which students may or may not be required to attend.  The intent is to have the labs create more personal peer and instructor interaction that tends to get washed away with larger lecture hall type of courses.  These should be purposely stated on the schedule of courses to the dates and times.  If not, there wont be anything like that.  Maybe tutorial sessions offered, but you wont be obligated to attend.

  4. It all depends on the school.  Check with your advisor or the professor of the class.    

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