
Led lights... for the third time lol?

by  |  earlier

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if i hook these led lights ( ) up to the battery in my car, can i still get it to flash with the bass to my music.. or does it need to be hooked up to an amp...




  1. have a professional do it. problem solved.

  2. If you have the music module one wire needs to plug in to the speakers

    good luck

  3. it says music box control but when i look at the pic i only see  power and the controler and box , but maybe it will have the option , just hope ,,, if not if u wnat to have it light to the music and it dont have the music control wire , u can hook the positive power wire to the positive of the sub and negative to neg ,,, the amp will have  enough power to light them up with the music

      or ..... buy these that i have

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