
Leeches? In my protected pond...?

by Guest45441  |  earlier

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I have a pond in my backyard in the countryside of Massachutsetts. It's a protected pond. A couple years back we put some trout and small fish in it. There was relatively nothing in it before, and there were definately no leeches. The animal in my pond has a flat greenish black top, and a pumpkin orange bottom. The bottom is rounder than the top. When we put it in a plastic cup it attached to the side of it. The animal is about 4 inches in length and a half an inch in width. Also there are geese that migrate to our pond each year and I was thinking they might have brought the eggs to our pond. Please help me identify the animal!




  1. If you could provide a picture that would be helpful, but it sounds like a leech to me.  Here are some links with leech info.  Hope they will help.

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