
Left hadned(but right guitar)???

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i am left handed but ever since i started playing guitar(like three months ago)i have been using a right handed guitar and i have tried left handed ones but they seem harder to that wierd or ok?




  1. Some guitars seem to "fit" better, and there is varience on play-ability between guitars.  So maybe your right-handed one is just an easy playing guitar.  Keep trying them out until you find one that sounds and feels right.

  2. You're the one playing it. Do whatever makes you feel most comfortable!

  3. Not really, I mean there are plenty of people who are left handed and do things right handedly. For instance my brother, he is lefty and has always played his guitar right handed.. on the other hand,, jimi hendrix and curt kobain were left handed players who used left handed guitars...

  4. It's perfectly ok to use a right handed guitar and PLAY it right handed if you're left handed.  Most left handed guitar players play the guitar right handed anyway.  An exception I can think of right off the bat is Paul McCartney.  He's left handed and plays his guitar left handed meaning he turns it around opposite what you would normally play it.

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