
Left handed Child?

by Guest55927  |  earlier

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My son is left handed and just started school for the first time. He is in the kindergarten. His teachers said to leave him using his left hand. Should I leave him now and try to switch him later in a couple of years OR just leave him to write with his left hand even as he gets older?




  1. I was very surprised to read this. Of course you should leave him left handed. What decade do you think this is? They did that when my parents were in school because they were ignorant and thought all children had to be right handed to be normal.

    I am left-handed, have a dominant right sided brain, and excel in language based subjects. I love the arts, history and literature. I'm glad I was able to remain what I was meant to be and not be changed into a right handed person, which would be a wrong fit.

  2. Let him be the way he is now and in the future.

  3. My sister is left handed there is nothing wrong with it he's special ;)

  4. What is wrong with being left handed?  I am left handed and it is just fine.  Its kind of a cool club,  people who are left handed too always seem to form a bond

  5. I have a four year old who is a lefty too, and I even knew that a year ago, and Have nicely tried to see if she could write with her right hand, and yes, she can, but if  shes comfortable with the left, I wont change it. as long as your son is able to write fine with his left leave it be.  

    I'm sure he wont grow up to resent you for not making him change!

  6. Why would you want to change that? It doesn't matter if your right or left handed, yes more people are right handed, but they make scissors as well as other things for both right and left handed people.

  7. My son who is 6 now is left handed. I embrace that. He is the only one in my house (and I got 4 kids too) including my husband and I that is left handed. Here is the cool thing though,(you gotta try this)especially if you are opposite handed with your child.

    Place your child in your lap get a coloring book and color together. Pick things he or she wants to color and you color along too. you can only do this if your child is opposite handed to you. do it now because when they get bigger their head gets in the way..  have fun with this opposite special time. you can't do this comfortably with same handed. embrace the uniqueness.

  8. Normally it is hard to write with a left hand, and left handed people normally have horrible writing, but i suggest you kepp him that way. Not many people have left handed writing.

  9. I'd say the answer depends on where you live.  

    In most parts of the world today, I'd just leave him alone.  In most of the world, there isn't the stigma attached to being left-handed that there used to be.  People no longer find it necessary to switch to using their right hand in later life.

    If you lived in a part of the world (say, an Islamic country) where there are clear social rules on what tasks may be done with each hand, then it would be a different matter.  If it was considered unacceptable to use the left hand for such tasks and would leave him a social misfit, then I'd switch him now.  But you must not live in such a place since the teacher is saying to not switch him.

  10. Leave it as is! Like the first answer says... being left handed is fine! Nothing to it! Let him continue to be left-handed and (again like the first answer said) it's like it's own special club.

  11. What is wrong with being left-handed?  I have been left-handed for 30 yrs without any problems.  I actually enjoy being left-handed.  Also, as someone said, lefties do form a great bond when they meet.

    Just remember, it is not something that is easily changed.  What hand we will be is actually determined in-utero and therefore our brains are wired to work that way.  So, if  you try to change what hand your child is going to be can really have a negative effect on your child.

    On a positive note, left-handed people usually adapt better to different situations because we have had to adapt our whole lives.

    Tell your son, "Welcome to the Club".

  12. leave it alone. he should use whatever hand he is most natural with.forcing a hand switch can cause other problems later in response time for writing and sports.

  13. don;t force ur kid to use right hand... let it be.. there is no harm in using the left hand.. infact it is said that whoever use their left hand tends to be more creative,...

  14. My son is left handed. He is 15 now and doing just fine. I never thought once about trying to make him be right handed. It wouldn't be natural. It'd be more of a struggle to get him to write with his right hand. Besides, left handed people are the only people in their right minds.
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