
Left- handed moms how do you?

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Do you hold your baby in your left or right arm?




  1. usually in my right arm, but I often switch back and forth

  2. I'm a lefty and I literally juggle him back and forth from one arm to another. He's only 7 mo. old but already 24 lbs. so I hold him which ever way is comfortable at the time.

  3. when feeding I hold baby in my right arm.  It feels weird holding in my left while feeding, the arm cradling is different!

  4. Always on the left.  On my left hip, when cradling, his head is on the left and over the left shoulder.

  5. well not only am i left handed i had twins,,so both arms, what ever one was empty what ever one was closest. i honestly dont know which arm i used first the first few months were a blur

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