
Left handed observations

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I am left handed and as you fellow lefties know we are considered a special breed of people. Very intellegent, creative, talented and gifted. Sometimes I always here that I do things backwards, whatever that means and that I get confused with directions alot. Even though I am left handed I am more partial to making right turns over left when it comes to following directions. I always notice when I encounter other lefties too like if I'm at the store or anywhere in public, it's almost like an obsession now. I was watching White Chicks the other day and noticed Shawn Wayans is a lefty. I remember watching Bobby an saw Laurence Fishborne eating with a spoon in his left hand. The same with Julia Roberts, Whoopi Goldberg and Morgan Freeman. Are there any other lefties out there that feel me on this?




  1. I was born left handed in 1947. Inm those days they thought you were retarded if you were sinistral (look it up) and I was forced to become right handed. However I would agree with your assessment and synopsis of lefties. Amongst my talents I am an author (Three books) and a musician (play guitar in a 60's Rock n Roll band) and have been a Bank manager and teacher and now work for the local Council. At Grammar School I passed more GCE subjects than anyone else in my year and have a degree and diploma. I was good at sports, being an all rounder, as I became somewhat ambidextrous which helped me enormously in football (real not US), cricket and swimming. Unfortunately due to my pseudo-righthandedness my handwriting is absolute rubbish even after all these years. Don't let it worry you. You are in a very elite band.

  2. Yup...fully the same on this one! My sister and I are both left handed, and its usually one of the first things we notice about people....when we mention it, the other person has the same reaction as us..."Hey!!!".

    Left handed people are generally more prone to being a twin (which is true in both my case and my sisters!). It's only perceived as being a "backwards" trait because it is the opposite of a right handed person's actions.

    There needs to be more inventions for us lefties though!! Like Cheque books!! Refill pads, books.....The way most left handed people write is not ergonomic with todays resources!!!

  3. I do that a lot, but in recent years, more often. I think it's because I notice that pretty much everything is oriented toward right handed people, even zippers on jeans! Even though most lefties manage just fine, LOL. Whenever I watch movies and someone in it is writing, I check if they are a fellow lefty, too. I love being a lefty but I have to be honest, we do have a tendency to be a bit strange, even though we're creative and talented and all that jazz. I take pride in it though!

  4. I'm abidextrous (can use both hands when writing) and I'll admit that I'm either very co-ordinated or all over the place.

    I'll tell you that I do notice left -handed peepsies in films and stuff; I'll just bewatching it and then be like, "Gawd, he's left-handed! awesome!"

    Ashamedly girly!

    But yeah, not alone on noticing to an almost obssessive point! :)

  5. I have three children, and two are left handed (it is too early to tell about the youngest).  Their father and I are both right handed, but my mother and my FIL are left handed.

    I probably do not notice things to the extent you do, since I am not left handed, but I have started noticing things in the context of how difficult it is for my children to do some things-a lot of stuff is "backwards" compared to how a right handed person would do it, but is normal for a left handed person-you are not doing it wrong, just the way that is most natural for yourself.

    Check Amazon-there are several books that I got from there about left handedness.  It really helped me to understand my children and their learning styles better (important since I homeschool them)-it does go much deeper than what hand you hold your pencil with.

  6. I tend to notice us fairly often as well. I wouldn't call it an obsession, just something you're attuned to notice, like noticing redheads or people with freckles (which both apply to me).

    People notice what is similar to them just as they notice what is markedly different.

    There's a funny scene in Ocean's 12 with Juila Roberts and Bruce Willis--about left-handedness.

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