
Left hooK?

by  |  earlier

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ok i just work out on my heavy bag im trying to get better at punching my right is very powerful like its an instant ko if i connect but and my jab is decent but everytime i throw a left hook even in the air i hurt my shoulder and bicep is that normal?




  1. i would just work out with my sshiulder an do some crunches for mabey a week before i start hittin the bag with some power again if i were u.. in january i tore the ligemenrt in my left shoulder an that hurt. but still u can helpit heal a lil bit if u dont work with it to much lile with to much opwer ..

  2. no its not normal your problem is that you are throwing the punch with your upper body all the power from a hook is the pivot of you waist and legs try practicing in the mirror for a few hours then hit the bag your problem will be solved if you want to see a perfect hook watch some old joe frazier fights for his size i think he generated more power from the hook than anyone before or after his career

    good luck

  3. no its not. your not throwing that punch correctly. I can't see what your doing wrong and so I can't offer any advise on how to change it and neither can anyone else. the best and only advise I or anyone can give you is to get a boxing trainer to learn how to punch properly. if you try to train yourself your are going to develop bad habits

  4. You are probably not throwing it right, and putting more strain on your arm.

    Like a golf swing, it's all about how you pivot and use your hips.

    Check out the link

  5. no thats not normal,ur throwin ur arm out...wat ur doin is just flinging it and its gonna damage ur arm badly in a while..i dunno why ur not makin this mistake with ur right though..wat u gotta do is punch the air less..also,u have to control ur punches,like dont just fling ur arm and let it end up wherever..u have to stop ur arm before it goes out too far..
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