
Left my camera at the barn?

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The day of a show, I left my camera at the barn after taking pictures of my pony after we took his braids out (lol he looked funny :P) I went back 2 days later, after realizing that it wasnt in my tack trunk, and it wasn't anywhere to be found.

Should I approach the barn owner? I already asked the barn manager, who is also my instructor, and she hadn't seen it. I don't want to offend the BO, and she is so amazingly nice I can't believe she or anyone in her family would take it, but it's really special to me. It was a grad present, with some of my own money towards it. At the same time, I don't want to turn any boarders against myself if she asks around.

Assuming she didn't take it to the house because it would be too valuable to keep in the barn, but she lets me post a poster or something, what should it say?

Should I approach her, and if so, how?




  1. Yup, you should talk to her. Don't worry, she won't take it personally - she approached by people about problems/issues at the barn ALL THE TIME :P When you approach her, put your problem courteously. "Hi Jill, a few days ago I was at the show here and I think I left my camera. Have you seen it anywhere? Has anyone turned in a camera they found?"  You're not accusing her of taking the camera; she's the manager and would know if someone turned in a camera they found, has seen one around, etc.

    If you do put up a poster, put up a picture of your camera (find one on the internet) or describe it (silver Canon, 4.6 megapixels, whatever). Put your contact information and maybe a small reward (I dunno...ten dollars? lol)

    Don't feel weird about talking about this to the barn owner. Trust me, she's not going to take it personally at all. When you start a barn, there will always be thefts, things disappearing, etc. so don't worry about it!

  2. I would put up signs around the barn about your lost camera.  I might also ask the owner if she's seen it around, in a very non-accusing way.

  3. yes, ask the barn owner.  just say "hi, i forgot my camera here the other day and was wondering if you saw it or maybe picked it up?"

    put up a sign that just says "lost-- camera".... describe it, say when/where you left it, and leave a phone number/name.

    i'm sure that the barn owner or someone picked it up realizing it was valuable and didn't want to leave it where a water bucket could spill on it or a horse could chew it, ect.

    and yes, someone may have stole it but at least ask your barn owner, it's not offensive at all.  ask if you can post a sign, and she should have no problem with that.

    good luck!

  4. i would def ask her about it!!! who knows! maybe she took it so someone else wouldn't take it and she's waiting for the onwer of the camera to ask her about it so she knows shes giving it to the right person! =]

  5. Ask her to tell you if she sees someone using a camera that looked like yours, but reassure her that you know she didn't take it. Buy a lock for your trunk, and use it whenver you aren't near the trunk. Somebody at my barn lost an iPod - they put up posters in all the tack rooms, all the trunk rooms, the bathrooms, on the club's bulletin board, and in the viewing areas. Make sure there are posters wherever someone might be storing or using a camera. Find a picture of the camera's model and the case's model, and put those on the poster. Offer a small reward of $20-$50. Say where you had the camera, what photos were on it, and how much it means to you.

  6. I would just ask her about it. I doubt anyone stole it (well they might have...). Anyway, it wont hurt to ask cause someone might have picked it up so it wouldnt get killed by a horse or the weather.

  7. You should ask her - she may have moved it for safekeeping and be waiting for someone to say that they lost a camera. As for the possibility of offending other boarders if she asks around - well boo to that, if she hasn't got it then someone has and if they're not asking to find who lost it then they are planning on keeping it. If it's important to you then ask about it - h**l report it to the cops if it doesn't show up. Whoever took it may not have known that it was yours but they sure as h**l knew it wasn't theirs.

  8. Ask her if she has seen or picked up your camera. This doesn't mean you're accusing her of taking it, and if she hasn't seen it she'll know to keep a lookout for it.

    On the poster - "Lost: Camera (make/model), left in barn on (date). Please call (phone number) or contact (your name) if you have any info." Also it would help if you could find a picture of it online and put it on the poster.

  9. Yes.  There is no harm in asking her.  I would tell her that you lost your camera the day of the show and believe that you left it at the barn.  Describe it to her and ask if her or her family has seen it or possible hid it for safe keeping.  If she hasn't, I'd ask if you could post signs.  

    Find a picture of the camera and put it in your flyer.  State: Lost: (Make & model) camera left at barn on (date).  If you have seen it or know of its whereabouts please contact (your name) at (your phone number).  This is not assuming nor does it sound accusing.  I know that if I found a digital camera at my barn, I would give it to the owner or hide it somewhere in the office and tell her where I hid it.

    Now, if you go up to her and are like, "where the heck is my camera!!!"  that would sound nasty.  As long as you are sweet and unassuming, no one will mind!  You won't turn anyone against you unless you start blindly accusing people.  Go for it!

  10. I would ask her maybe someone found it and put it in a safe place I find in my barn when ever anything goes missing our first instinct is to say someone stole it but nobody ever does its not as common as you think so just see if anyone put it in a safe place

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